Production Diary: The Kohlman Files

I'm sure I've referred to it multiple times, but I've been in pre-production off and on for a couple of months (as time allowed around day job, a commercial, and a music video shoot) on a horror web series.

The script (which is linked in the Premiere member area) has gone through 3 revisions, with probably one more before we actually shoot. It's 12 pages that I expect to run about 15 minutes. Very long for a web series I now.

My intention is to finance the pilot through a kickstarter campaign (my first). The bottom line budget for the pilot is $2K. I have used up most of my supply of freebies, plus the guilt (bad trait for a producer) is starting to get to me. I have a hard time anymore telling an actress, "OK, so I'm going to hang you naked in a very uncomfortable position from a wall off and on for 6 hours, but I can't even pay you $100".

In the event we overfund (which I REALLY hope we do), the additional funds would be used to either up the budget on the pilot or be set aside for funding additional episodes.

We're going to explore some options to license it as exclusive content based off the pilot and if that fails we'll release it on youtube and go back into fund raising mode for the episodes.

We shot a one minute teaser last weekend that I just got the first rough cut of. I'll be posting that soon.

Lead actor is cast

As is one of the main supporting roles. This guy is what counts as the tiny bit of star power I have.

Version 1 Poster completed yesterday.


I'll update with more over the next few days. Feel free to ask any questions or give any advice you may have.
Been a long time, so wanted to post some updates.

We have booked a world premiere. A Nashville art gallery and theater is having an H.P. Lovecraft inspired art show and they are going to show both my first film Beyond The Wall of Sleep as well as the pilot for The Kohlman Files in a small 50 seat or so theater. It's August 18th, so glad it came along to give me a hard deadline to enforce on my post people.

Audio has really been a nightmare. This is by far the most heavily scored thing we have ever done. Probably 50% of the 22 minute episode contains score. We had not one but two telephone calls, we had a long scene in a moving car (which is 100% ADR). I would figure my audio post guy (who is also my composer) probably has north of 400 hours in this project.

It's really amazing what audio post did to this project. It always has a big impact, but completely transformative in this case. Watching the murder in the prologue with production sound vs with score and full audio treatment is night and day, not even remotely the same scene.
Any new trailers in the works? :)

Once color Correction is complete I'm going to post the opening credit sequence. His deadline is Friday, so hopefully any day now!

I will say, every project is a roller coaster, but this one especially so. I literally hated it initially because so many things aren't the exact way I envisioned them, but with some time and some audio post work I actually think my target audience (Fans of Lovecraft and the whole Rosemary's baby "cult" sub genre of the 70's) are going to love it.