shooting-film Processing Super 8 in NYC

I am new to this forum but seems like there is some good advice being thrown around.

I recently started shooting my families old Super 8 camera. Took it down to Mexico a couple weeks ago and shot about 10 rolls of me and my buddies traveling around and surfing. Very excited to see how it turns out.

I have a variety of Super 8 stocks to get processed and transferred to MiniDV so that I can edit on my Mac.
Tri-X, Plus-X, Extachrome 64T, and one roll of Vision 100T color neg.

I live in New York City and would love to get it done in town to avoid shipping. A woman I know at Kodak recommended processing at Yale or Spectra, both of which are in LA.

I'd like to find a place that is professional, can process and transfer, and is in NYC if possible.

Any recommendations?

thanks mucho
No idea on NYC places, but Yale is a good recomendation by your friend. I use them.

Anyways, just wanted to say welcome to the forums.
Thanks for the thoughts and price quote I have been to Pac Lab once before, years ago. Maybe they are great, but it was your classic dingy NYC basement type place. I just wanted to make sure I was going to a reputable business.... that can also do good quality transfers to tape. I was hoping to get advice from someone who has used these places in NY before.

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I don't know. Just know of these places. I haven't developed S8 in a long time, but I have some to process also. Will probably use Pac.
I have been to Pac Lab once before, years ago. Maybe they are great, but it was your classic dingy NYC basement type place.
Before Yale moved to a really nice place in Burbank they were in a dingy warehouse in Hollywood only 3 blocks from me. While their quality and customer hasn't changed their prices have and I kinda miss that dingy, industrial, low rent feel of their old place.

And now I have to get in my car to go there.....