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problems with playback

Ok, clearly computers just hate me. It doesn't seem to matter what program I use or what computer I do it on, when I'm trying to edit footage the playback keeps freezing and jumping and generally being a pain in the ass. Does my computer need some special attributes to make it behave? I'm assuming that if windows omes with movie maker then whatever is on the computer is good enough to use it. Does anyone have any idea why I might be having trouble with playback? It's kinda hard to edit when the footage freezes then randomly jumps to another frame then freezes again.

Also, I can't figure it out so I may as well ask this while I'm at it; anyone know how to remove the sound from video on movie maker?

Thanks :)

In Movie Maker you can just mute the camera's audio track, but you can bring in another music track or V.O. track below it.

What file type are you wrestling with? If you can convert to WMV with something OR just mute the sound and render the file, then import that render back in, it will be a WMV file and might be a little easier to work with.

Be sure to SAVE every few steps (edits) you make, so when it crashes and you reopen and the “Recovered Last Project” or whatever comes up, you are not that far from where you left off.

HD footage recorded as AVCHD files are difficult to edit on many computers. In order to save space on recordable media, HD files are encoded in a way that is difficult to play back on your computer. In other words, your computer isn't just playing each frame as it does with SD footage. With HD footage, it's thinking about each frame in order to play it back. This can slow down many systems.

A good work around is to convert the footage into a codec that doesn't require your computer to think in order to play back. Neoscene by Cineform is a great product that I've had much success with as I begin to experiment with the HD world.
I think you're F'd in the A.

Just kidding. I'm not familiar with your particular camera (for anyone entering this conversation, she's using the Canon ixus 8015). However, my intuition tells me that Canon probably uses the same file type on all of their cameras. If that is the case, you're not going to be able to use any old editing software.

Are you using .mov files? Your editing options are limited. Premiere will edit this footage, but only with a wrap-around (like the kind Uranium mentioned). Edius will edit it without any wrap-around, but for some reason, nobody's heard of Edius. I tried a trial, and thought it was pretty good. In the end, though, you're probably best off trying Sony Vegas. They have many different levels, one of which is less than $100 (and they do offer a trial). I've used it. It's not my favorite, but it definitely does the job.

It's worth asking -- what are your computer's specs?
hmm. according to my computer the file type is 'video clip'. thanks computer.
i don't know if they're hd or not :s i'm so confused, this all may as well be in another language lol.
cf what do you mean exactly? this is what it says:

processor: intel pentium 4 cpu 2.80ghz 2.80ghz
installed memory (ram): 1.25 gb
system type: 32-bit operating system

is that what you wanted to know?

i just got it back from the computer place today. now it has a proper version of windows 7 and virus protection :)
i think it's safe to say that technical stuff just goes straight over my head :(