there's a difference between questioning the official story and actually saying the empire blew it up themselves.
If you just shoot people down for questioning things, then rationality aside, you make it impossible for people to let the issue go on an emotional level.
Gonna take your comment at face-value.
1. The droids who carried the plans of the Death Star to the Rebels were once owned by, and manufactured by, Darth Vader.
2. The starfighter who allegedly shot the missile that blew up the Death Star is known to be the son of Darth Vader.
3. Darth Vader mysteriously chose to enter a dogfight in the midst of the attack on the Death Star -- this is not even slightly normal for the commander of the Empire.
These three facts, alone, cast serious doubt on the official Empire's story of how the Death Star was attacked.
Okay, now gonna take your comments at non-face-value.
This is funny. That's all. I don't think it's supposed to be political commentary, in any way.
The piece definitely pokes fun of conspiracy-theorists, but you know what? They got it coming. You seen "Zeitgeist"? It's pretty well-made. It's also full of lies and falsehoods. Yet, conspiracy-theorists latch onto it, like it's gospel. Conspiracy-theorists have an image-problem, and they have nobody to blame but themselves, because unfortunately, the conspiracy-theorist tends to be represented by the college-freshman-know-it-all-who-insists-that-the-rest-of-the-world-(including-you)-is-a-bunch-of-idiots.
Please, I implore you, question the official account of what happened on 9/11. What's more, let's ask why we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, we should ask these questions.
But that shouldn't stop us from laughing at a parody piece that is pretty F-ing hilarious.