Pre-shoot nerves...

So we are shooting in a week and a half and I am already regretting absolutely everything! I regret choosing a pretentious, artsy short. I deeply regret writing something which is so plotless and abstract - my second short has a story but the story in this first short is so pretentious as to be almost incomprehensible.

I am terrified it is going to be terrible. In fact, I know it is going to be terrible. It is artsy, pretentious and my first short with an untried and untested crew and actors. If I was choosing a formula for failure, it would be this.

WHY AM I DOING THIS? Why aren't I doing something more worthwhile like, like knitting or helping little old ladies with their shopping.

Maybe I should have given it all up and done something more rewarding with my life. Anything must be better than this...


* Feels better *

Sorry, just needed to vent...
Just know that we're all out here with hopes and dreams that you'll FUBAR this short so bad that we can fight and argue between laughing at you or tearing your heart apart along with your short-baby.


Really. We are.

It'll be like TWILIGHT.
There's gonna be Team LMAO and Team ShredHim.
And we're gonna be fighting over you.
Because you are a nice guy and we just can't have all you nice guys making the rest of us bad guys look... well... bad.

I hope you understand and can continue with your debacle... I mean "short" with a clear mind that some day soon in editing we'll all be right behind you tittering and laughing as discretely as possible.



Worst of luck!
Break a tripod leg!
Finkle is Einhorn!
Soylent Green is people!
Don't taze me, man!
What if every single person in the film was holding a small kitten, in every single shot, and those kittens were wearing cute little hats? No matter how pretentious the film is, otherwise, this would add a level of silliness gauranteed to win any audience over. But the film could still be pretentious, just in a meta, making-fun-of-self kind of way.

Seriously, though, you ain't got nothing to worry about. Just have fun! :)
rayw - LOL Break a tripod leg.. thats awesome!

CF - Thats actually a really good idea.. have an entire short being reaaaally crappy, and have no point.. But frame each shot with very very cute small kitten.. billiant!

to OP:
Oh man, I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Happens to me every time before the shoot. My advice - don't worry about it.

My last shot "Zenthora" was really really really bad. But I planned it that way, because I wanted to get over the fear of being horrible. I shot the film, edited it, made crappy sound effects - and showed it to everyone. People laughed at it, and tore it to pieces.
But now I know how it feels to have a failed movie - and guess what?

Nobody really cares lol

People forgot about it right after they watched it. Next day they asked me when my next short film will be ready. Everything moves on, and you shouldn't worry if your film will suck.
If it is one of your first short film - it most likely will suck, but so what?? :-D Show it to people, laugh with them, and move on to the next one!

You'll be one step closer to an awesome film!

Good luck!
CF - Thats actually a really good idea.. have an entire short being reaaaally crappy, and have no point.. But frame each shot with very very cute small kitten.. billiant!

Yeah, before I typed it, it was intended as a joke, but as the words left my fingers, it began to feel more and more like a good idea. I think it would actually work!
Funny how most weird ideas come out to be the best ones!

CF, Have you had any nervousness prior first couple of shorts?

I guess I could say that i just have simple anxiety before the shoot, from pure adrenaline and excitement!
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CF, Have you had any nervousness prior first couple of shorts?

Not at all, but perhaps that's a reflection of the situation. My first short had a two-person cast, and those actors were my brother and closest friend. I knew they'd be there, and I knew they'd be able to pull off the demanding roles (the movie is about a couple dudes playing rock-paper-scissors).

My second short was a bit bigger, but only in length. It had a three-person cast, the same two as before, in addition to another friend from work.

In both instances, the films were intended to be silly, and we really had nothing to lose. I knew the people I needed to be there would be there, and we just had fun making movies. Both shoots were very hard work, because we kept a tight schedule, but we had an absolute blast.

Don't forget to have fun, gorilla! That's why we're making movies, right?

I got EXTREMELY nervous leading up to the shoot for my first feature.
So we are shooting in a week and a half and I am already regretting absolutely everything! I regret choosing a pretentious, artsy short. I deeply regret writing something which is so plotless and abstract - my second short has a story but the story in this first short is so pretentious as to be almost incomprehensible.

I am terrified it is going to be terrible. In fact, I know it is going to be terrible. It is artsy, pretentious and my first short with an untried and untested crew and actors. If I was choosing a formula for failure, it would be this.

WHY AM I DOING THIS? Why aren't I doing something more worthwhile like, like knitting or helping little old ladies with their shopping.

Maybe I should have given it all up and done something more rewarding with my life. Anything must be better than this...


* Feels better *

Sorry, just needed to vent...

It's normal to get pre shoot nerves and I got them too. What's it about, if you don't mind me asking? It's probably best not to quite now, if you got actors lined up and have a commitment.
Don't worry, sometime tomorrow morning you'll be convinced it's going to be the greatest masterpiece in the history of cinema. But by dinner you'll be back to thinking it's crap. And so it goes.
I hear you Gorilla. I may be on the same schedule as you. I start shooting my next short in a week and a half too. I think I was pretty calm until I read your post. Now you got ME sweating TOO! Great! Thanks! haha

Good luck to you!
It's normal to get pre shoot nerves and I got them too. What's it about, if you don't mind me asking? It's probably best not to quite now, if you got actors lined up and have a commitment.

Not going to quit now, particularly as I have a professional DP (who is a videographer), an editor who is editing a movie shot on a Red by an Oscar nominated DP, two professional stage actors (one of whom has played in the West End which is the equivalent of Broadway) and one whose face in the UK is vaguely recognisable. I thought the nature of the short would attract strong talent because it would be good for a showreel but, ulp, not this good.

As for what it's about... ambition, crushed dreams and a single overriding emotion. From a slightly less abstract perspective it is an examination of the nature and fickleness of fame. It's quite a lot for 5 minutes and at this stage I am thinking I must have been deranged for having thought of something this abstract...

It is shot in a very simple way - I've never seen a short like this (probably for a good reason) - but that does not mean spectacular - it means very, very simple and basic. Too simple - where the emotion is the plot. But as it is artistic and pretentious I have bought a beret, a cigarette holder and am practicing saying 'oh la la' a lot. As for any improvements, I have advertised for 25 kittens. :director:
Oh ya. What do you mean when you say 'ulp, not this good'? Good or not good, as oppose to what? Sounds like you shot quite a bit already. It's usually best to specifically plan all your shots in your head beforehand I find, but also to shoot a scene from at least three angles, all from each angle at a time. Then use the footage from all three angles to make the shot list you had in mind. But in case something goes wrong, you still have extra footage, and maybe it can be put to good use or edited even better than your original shot list. I haven't gotten that far myself, this is how I'm planning ahead. I could be making a mistake too, but trying to follow other peoples advice, and doing it right. I don't mean to derail the thread of course, I am just curious. Continue if you wish and you can reply in a private message or something.
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Oh ya. What do you mean when you say 'ulp, not this good'? Good or not good, as oppose to what? Sounds like you shot quite a bit already. It's usually best to specifically plan all your shots in your head beforehand I find, but also to shoot a scene from at least three angles, all from each angle at a time. Then use the footage from all three angles to make the shot list you had in mind. But in case something goes wrong, you still have extra footage, and maybe it can be put to good use or edited even better than your original shot list. I haven't gotten that far myself, this is how I'm planning ahead. I could be making a mistake too, but trying to follow other peoples advice, and doing it right. I don't mean to derail the thread of course, I am just curious. Continue if you wish and you can reply in a private message or something.

Hehe! Just wait until you have to edit a 3 camera angle scene. :cool: Oh, the fun you'll become aware of. Just be patient and take your time. You can do it.

File management is crucial. Know exactly where you are at all times and stay close to the undo option.
Hehe! Just wait until you have to edit a 3 camera angle scene. :cool: Oh, the fun you'll become aware of. Just be patient and take your time. You can do it.

File management is crucial. Know exactly where you are at all times and stay close to the undo option.

I think you mean wait until my editor has to edit a 3 camera angle scene... :)

My editor is my ace up the sleeve but I don't think I'll have him long. He will be joining the professional ranks soon but I reckon I'll have him for my second short which is significantly more mainstream with little things like a 'plot' and a 'story.'

In fact, I will get the second short shot before putting the first on Indietalk as I am confident the second has a good little story with a little urban mythology thrown in.