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watch "Power Tower", by Apache Radio

hey that was fun. good to see the whole band getting into it and not acting their age. very Red Hot Chili Peppers.
and it's got a fire so what's not to love!? :D
I'm guessing you had a sped-up version of the song playing for the slow-mo shots? then slowed it down in post?
Pretty good.

That effect of slowed-down filming with in-sync vocals is FANTASTIC!
I'm very impressed with the synchronization.
Very, very nice.

The "story" got a little boring pretty quick.
The switch over to glo-N-the-dark sequence was a relief, but suffered the same fate.

Technical aspects were all nice and well: Good lighting, contrast balance, framing, motion follow, editing for time, performances, etc.
All were fine.

I see why shooting videos helped so many big-time Hollywood directors.
I'm getting the idea that its a pretty creatively tough product to pull off successfully.

Congratulations. :yes:
I love the song! Gonna check out more of their stuff!

Oh and the video's pretty cool too :p

Btw, I can watch videos on Vimeo now! My laptop is considerably better than my pc :D
I've watched this 3 or 4 times since it was posted as a rough cut and I'm not entirely sure why I keep forgetting to post!

Like everyone else I really like the song and the slo-mo works really nicely. For me the shots in the street are the high point but I also like the shots around the fire. I have some sort of aesthetic problem with forests unless they're really shallow DOF, but that's my problem, not yours ;)

Great job Dr Weindl! :clap:
Thanks, folks!

Flicker -- yes, we played the music at 250% speed, shot it at 60p, then slowed it down to 24p (60 of course being 250% of 24). Even for these fairly-slow-moving verses, you'd be surprised how fast 250% is -- it's like the Chipmunks on crack.

BTW, Jeff, how many 22-year-olds do you know? I believe they were acting their age. :D
BTW, Jeff, how many 22-year-olds do you know? I believe they were acting their age.
:lol: very well then!
funny, I just assume every band is in their 30s struggling to "make it" out there.
that they're in their 20s is great to hear.
no, haven't run with the 22-y.o. demographic is a while, but I do try and act that age as often as I can :)
I remember the daze...