Post Your Editing RIG!!!.

Hey guys, post a pic of your editing rig (Computer). Would like to see what yous be workin with!!!. But seriously, dont be shy. :cool::yes::blush::P;)
Here's mine... I've moved it around a bit since, but here it is nonetheless...

Tascam US428 DAW

2x2.5Ghz G5 Power Macintosh
Final Cut Studio 1
Shake 4.1
Photoshop CS
Blender 2.5

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 with the MATROX RTx2 with real time 1080/720 HD editing, out to a CRT TV (on the left) and also to a 32" HD monitor (on the right).

I have 2 Beta SP decks, a Blu Ray player, and surround sound receiver on the right side in a rack. On the desk is a Sony DSR20 DVCAM/Mini DV deck, along with an S-VHS deck for digitizing on those rare occasions.

And Alcove, the mixer is just for show. Real filmmakers don't care about audio...


And for keen observers, you can see on the monitor for my laptop, INDIETALK.COM is on the screen.
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Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 with the MATROX RTx2 with real time 1080/720 HD editing, out to a CRT TV (on the left) and also to a 32" HD monitor (on the right).

I have 2 Beta SP decks, a Blu Ray player, and surround sound receiver on the right side in a rack. On the desk is a Sony DSR20 DVCAM/Mini DV deck, along with an S-VHS deck for digitizing on those rare occasions.

And Alcove, the mixer is just for show. Real filmmakers don't care about audio...


And for keen observers, you can see on the monitor for my laptop, INDIETALK.COM is on the screen.

You could use an executive chair sonny.

The big computer on top is a dual Xeon 5150, running Premiere CS2 and Matrox Axio real-time HD card. This allows you to watch Premiere or After Effects (pictured) on your TV in HD. Also on there is Sony Vegas 8.0 and DVD Architect 5.0. This setup is from 2007 and was used for EXILE.

I edited TERRARIUM - aka W.O.T.P. and THE AWAKENING with the lower computer, which is a dual Athlon Tyan Tiger that I built in 2001. It runs Premiere 6 through a real-time (SD) Canopus DV Storm, with breakout box (hooks up to most inputs/outputs). I used this computer to play 48 shows of TERRARIUM, at a 300 seat theater. Later, used for a 3 day run of THE AWAKENING. It still works great, a decade later, and has a wonderful realtime greenscreen feature that I use for IndieMeet demonstrations.
Well its a work in progress, soon it will look like an editors workspace. Just needs a few adjustments but here it is. I plan on getting an audio interface to work with sound, might integrate it onto the desk somewhere. Gonna pick up some speaker monitors but not quite sure where to put em.


Wilbs, is that computer as loud as it looks?

The avid computer where I work is as loud as a lawn mower and I don't know why the editor sits so close to it... No wonder some editors don't think about the soundtrack much sometimes... They've got computer fans for headphones.
