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watch Poptent spot draft

I couldn't watch it with sound but it looks like a good spot to me. Seems to fit the style of modern toy commercials (ie: manic sugar-high crazyness).

My only complaint is that I didn't care for the CC in the first couple shots. I think I know what you were going for but to me the skin just looks sickly...
Whoops, missed this one!

Haha, not bad, I like the intense intro. The music comes in loud and though. Maybe make the intro louder or with more whimsical music?

Only other thing I saw is there's a lot or orange/brown from the table that clashes a but with the pink/purple/baby blue. Not sure how to grade that out though without jacking the fleshtones.

All-in-all, pretty good man! Having your own kids as actors makes it easy I'm sure :lol:
just saw it. It was pretty cool.

Sitting up here in Canada, it's amazing how many competitions we're not allowed in to. We typically have about 3 to 5 new competitions a month. you guys probably have more.

Good luck wheat. May poptent continue to be beddy beddy good to you.
I find it hard to judge the advert when the product is that awful...

All the same it looked pretty good (agree with Dready about the run-on-sugar kids feel) although the furniture throws the effect a little.

But it's fun and sleek as always. :)
After digging through teh other 13 videos from the assignment, I definitely like yours best!

The animation with the little animals who's heads spinned 360 exorcist style was a little terrifying haha.
thanks for the love.. I needed it..

Dang, did not catch the orange clash thing.. explains why I dress the way I do.. but I digress..

too late, not much I can do now.. if they buy, Ill poke at it..
