Point of View shooting Set-up?

Hey everyone, hope you are well.

Planning to shoot a short film all done in first person. My prime objective is to get my hands in shot so that you can see that im holding a gun, even if its just a little.

Im looking to either do it DIY or buy a cheap one if its under £50. I live in England if that makes a difference with parts.
Do they have to be your hands? I assume you don't want the hands/gun/etc in the shot the entire time. Could you get an actor to play the "hands" when needed, working out where he'd need to stand so he wouldn't be in the shot, but his hands would? Or, for that matter, greenscreen the hands?

Not a camera guy, so I wouldn't know if this is actually feasable, but it seems like it should be. Movie magic, and all that!

The highest definition available is 720p and no manual controls. These are as POV as you can get.