Who else is just. . . shaking with joy that Peter Jackon's directing THE HOBBIT! No more Del Toro! Anyone noticed that when Jackson finally caved in and agreed to direct it, that everything started to finally fall together? I CAN'T WAIT!
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I love Peter Jackson, and Del Toro could have done an amazing and similar job at it, but I prefer PJ directing.

Don't forget, it's not all roses with Jackson directing. He's somewhat indecisive and does a lot of takes, then does pickups and pushes everyone a lot further than the job they agree to do. Watch the 4 DVD set on the RETURN OF THE KING and see how much that final FX push went and how pissed Barry Osbourne the producer gets. The composer looks so fried and frustrated, it's no wonder he quit/got fired on KING KONG after that.

What the public sees from the PR machine as opposed to the reality are usually very different. I like his movies, love what I "see" from Behind the Scenes, but there are many who think he's a tyrant.
They already are. It's THE HOBBIT and also some unknown "LORD OF THE RINGS PREQUEL" thingy. It's been two movies from the outset.

The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, Frodo's Uncle, who finds the One Ring. In the first Lord of the Rings book Bilbo give the ring to Frodo and the story follows him to the ring's destruction. So in a way it's a separate story and a prequel.

I don't know anything about The Hobbit movie though :/
The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, Frodo's Uncle, who finds the One Ring. In the first Lord of the Rings book Bilbo give the ring to Frodo and the story follows him to the ring's destruction. So in a way it's a separate story and a prequel.

I don't know anything about The Hobbit movie though :/

Uh, yeah I know. The first movie is THE HOBBIT, and the 2nd one is some unknown, based solely on extra material PREQUEL....
I was under the impression that both movies we're just 'The Hobbit', a two part movie, Kill Bill style. I could be wrong, but if so, where's this new material coming from? I wouldn't be impressed if they just decided to make stuff up.

And, for the record, I'd have much preferred Del Toro.
There's another book that Tolkien did with a bunch of the mythology of middle earth. I haven't read it, but they may be using that if its not just the hobbit cut in half, but I would think that would be the way to go. The Hobbit is enormous.

Am I the only one that wishes Del Torro was still doing this. I like jackson and all, but I think he's better served with district 9, dead alive, frighteners kind of films. LotR just seems like another (albeit entertaining) epic. It was entertaining at the time, but feels like the wrong time for release with these epic harry potter films rolling along.

Has anyone seen heavenly creatures?
There's another book that Tolkien did with a bunch of the mythology of middle earth. I haven't read it, but they may be using that if its not just the hobbit cut in half, but I would think that would be the way to go. The Hobbit is enormous.

Am I the only one that wishes Del Torro was still doing this. I like jackson and all, but I think he's better served with district 9, dead alive, frighteners kind of films. LotR just seems like another (albeit entertaining) epic. It was entertaining at the time, but feels like the wrong time for release with these epic harry potter films rolling along.

Has anyone seen heavenly creatures?

Jackson didn't direct DISTRICT 9, Neil Blomenkamp did.

THE HOBBIT won't come out until December 2012, so it's a year and half after HARRY POTTER's finale.

My understanding is that Peter Jackson thought it wouldn't be fulfilling to have THE HOBBIT be 2 films, so he wanted to make the entire story in 1 film, then do a follow up from the supplemental Tolkein materials for all the in-between stuff to do a "prequel" to the Lord of the Rings as the 2nd film.

That is a rumor from sites like MOVIESONLINE.CA and AINT IT COOL NEWS, so it may be false.
Jackson didn't direct DISTRICT 9, Neil Blomenkamp did.

THE HOBBIT won't come out until December 2012, so it's a year and half after HARRY POTTER's finale.

My understanding is that Peter Jackson thought it wouldn't be fulfilling to have THE HOBBIT be 2 films, so he wanted to make the entire story in 1 film, then do a follow up from the supplemental Tolkein materials for all the in-between stuff to do a "prequel" to the Lord of the Rings as the 2nd film.

That is a rumor from sites like MOVIESONLINE.CA and AINT IT COOL NEWS, so it may be false.

I had no idea. I feel dumb.

It's not just potter though. Epic films come out every year now. Surely, the hobbit will make a buttload of money, just like the others, but will it be a generational film(s), like the trilogy? I'd be happy with a film that gets lumped in with the other three. We've seen all of the action, effects, etc, so all you have is the story to really wow the audience. The hobbit is, of course, a good one, but better than LotR? You (not you personally) really have to convince me that it somehow supersedes the other films, or I might as well save 30 bucks and watch the trilogy.

I was excited to see a new vision for middle earth with del toro at the helm. Now, I'm worried about a phantom menace garbage pile. Not that I really think it will be bad, but it has the potential to fall short of expectations on a monumental level.
I had no idea. I feel dumb.

It's not just potter though. Epic films come out every year now. Surely, the hobbit will make a buttload of money, just like the others, but will it be a generational film(s), like the trilogy? I'd be happy with a film that gets lumped in with the other three. We've seen all of the action, effects, etc, so all you have is the story to really wow the audience. The hobbit is, of course, a good one, but better than LotR? You (not you personally) really have to convince me that it somehow supersedes the other films, or I might as well save 30 bucks and watch the trilogy.

I was excited to see a new vision for middle earth with del toro at the helm. Now, I'm worried about a phantom menace garbage pile. Not that I really think it will be bad, but it has the potential to fall short of expectations on a monumental level.

We haven't seen Smaug yet in all of his CG glory. And I like Jackson at the helm so it gives all of the films the same look and feel, unlike Potter that went all over the place (going from the directorial style of Chris Columbus to Alfonso Cuarón was a major jolt, IMO). And the "fellowship" of cast and crew remains intact.

Side note, too bad Ian McKellen couldn't take over the Dumbledore role.
I would have loved to have seen a Del Toro version of The Hobbit.

For me the books (The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy) are so completely different that it made sense to have different directors. What I hope is that Jackson doesn't try and turn The Hobbit into the same sort of films that the LOTR trilogy were. I love the LOTR films, but the Hobbit is a much smaller scale, character driven piece where the action is much more harmless and the whole thing takes place in a comfy Middle Earth. In terms of tone it's quite similar to the Narnia books and is, most definitely, a children's book.

I'd hate to see him overplay the importance of the battles and mythical elements of the book, which, in the text, are important but fairly brief and mainly used to wrap things up. The final battle where, if I remember correctly, lots of people are turned to stone is a perfect example of a kid friendly battle, so I hope he doesn't turn that into something darker and scarier.

I know this makes me sound like a bit of a loser (wanting a PG Hobbit film) but if he wanted to do another LOTR style film he could have chosen one of the other texts which better fit with the style he established there. But I'm not going to prejudge his decisions on this because I have no evidence that he plans to flesh out any of my fears.

I am, however, concerned by some of the casting. $1 million for Orlando Bloom to cameo? Elijah Wood somehow returning as Frodo? And a cast, basically, made up of British TV actors? That's got me worried.
We haven't seen Smaug yet in all of his CG glory. And I like Jackson at the helm so it gives all of the films the same look and feel, unlike Potter that went all over the place (going from the directorial style of Chris Columbus to Alfonso Cuarón was a major jolt, IMO). And the "fellowship" of cast and crew remains intact.

Side note, too bad Ian McKellen couldn't take over the Dumbledore role.

Good point, BUT I'm much more willing to take that jolt than have Columbus direct all of them. The first potter was dreadful. PoA was excellent!
There's another book that Tolkien did with a bunch of the mythology of middle earth. I haven't read it, but they may be using that if its not just the hobbit cut in half, but I would think that would be the way to go. The Hobbit is enormous.

Am I the only one that wishes Del Torro was still doing this. I like jackson and all, but I think he's better served with district 9, dead alive, frighteners kind of films. LotR just seems like another (albeit entertaining) epic. It was entertaining at the time, but feels like the wrong time for release with these epic harry potter films rolling along.

Has anyone seen heavenly creatures?

LORD OF THE RINGS in my opinion is THE EPIC. To make 3 movies at once is a huge undertaking, and I'm sure no one is ever going to do something like this. . . for a while at least. New Line Cinema thought it was going to be the stupidest thing in movie history, but it turned out better than they thought. Not mentioning a few glitches along the way with PJ and others.
I would have loved to have seen a Del Toro version of The Hobbit.

For me the books (The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy) are so completely different that it made sense to have different directors. What I hope is that Jackson doesn't try and turn The Hobbit into the same sort of films that the LOTR trilogy were. I love the LOTR films, but the Hobbit is a much smaller scale, character driven piece where the action is much more harmless and the whole thing takes place in a comfy Middle Earth. In terms of tone it's quite similar to the Narnia books and is, most definitely, a children's book.

I'd hate to see him overplay the importance of the battles and mythical elements of the book, which, in the text, are important but fairly brief and mainly used to wrap things up. The final battle where, if I remember correctly, lots of people are turned to stone is a perfect example of a kid friendly battle, so I hope he doesn't turn that into something darker and scarier.

I know this makes me sound like a bit of a loser (wanting a PG Hobbit film) but if he wanted to do another LOTR style film he could have chosen one of the other texts which better fit with the style he established there. But I'm not going to prejudge his decisions on this because I have no evidence that he plans to flesh out any of my fears.

I am, however, concerned by some of the casting. $1 million for Orlando Bloom to cameo? Elijah Wood somehow returning as Frodo? And a cast, basically, made up of British TV actors? That's got me worried.

Yeah, I think PJ's going to heavily add the stuff with the Necromancer and all, and Orlando Bloom's playing Legolas, who is involved in the battles against the Necromancer in Mirkwood. I agree about British TV actors :hmm: but, hey, Peter Jackson knows what he's doing.
Am I the only one who thought that LotR was boring? I mean, beautifully shot. I'd watch the BTS any day. But for me, the movies were painful.