Here's my Indie Pet:
Let's see yours!

Let's see yours!
Insert cliché:
My dog has a bong. But don’t worry its only photo shopped in –he’s off weed now.
Is Dougall on a treadmill? I’m allergic to cats, but they sure are cool to watch.
Delany has such a super photogenic little mug. I like his color too. You had him all 17 years?
On with the pet parade!
Bird: All pets rule, but rescue pets rule more!
I used to live down the street from the Anti Cruelty Society here, and now and then would go and play with the dogs just to get them out of their cages, and like try to like teach them to give their paw or to sit down on command -anything to help them win over a perspective adoptee. You just can’t leave those places not sad, but once you have, you can never really think about those places again without being sad either, at least I can’t.
-CIRCUS MUSIC- On with the parade!