Passion vs. A Recession-Proof Salary

I'm sure I'm not the only one who worries about this, especially in my age area -- I'm about 21. See, probably like many here, filmmaking has been what I absolutely love to watch and do ever since I was a child. And I always just wanted to go University for that BA in Film, even if I knew you didn't really need a degree to make movies. I just liked the idea of it. I can't afford it, though.

Recently, I'm awaiting my AA Degree in Performance and Prodution in Digital Video and Digital Cinematography. I just petitioned for it after two years of working hard for it. The point of this post is, I know the film industry isn't a strong place for a paying career -- especially for someone my age. But I love it. My parents and my fiancee encourage my passion, but at the same time they want me to look at life realistically. And that's to get a career that I can basically make money off of right out of school. Just enough, so I can pursue my passions better. While I agree with that sound logic since I'm going to a medical trade school after I recieve my AA Degee... I just... I don't know.

I live in the Bay Area. The film industry isn't here (though, NBC just started three or two new shows here -- Trauma and Parenthood... but I have no idea how to get involved with those shows in any way, if you know how I could, please tell me). I guess what I'm looking for here is some advice and perspectives on this.

Thank you.
What do you want to do in the film industry? I can only answer your question from an independent, writer/director standpoint, as that's what I'm doing.

If you're going to follow the same route as me, I strongly recommend you get a decent bread job. If Kafka can work in insurance, surely you can work some type of job to pay the bills and give you a little pocket money to put towards your passion.
I'm gunning to be a Director, Screenwriter, and Actor. I do editing too right now for my features that I create on my own with a few other people, but only 'cause I have to (I do sometimes enjoy editing).
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If anyone here can offer ideas on a recession proof job, I’m all

I sure can’t help you with a career choice right after college - I
dropped out of high school to work in the business. I am not the
type who does well with a “back up” gig. But going to medical
trade school sounds like a fine path. If there is steady work in
that, you have your answer.

Being in a place where very little production is taking place
makes working in the business all the more difficult. With fewer
jobs the competition is greater.

I live in the Bay Area. The film industry isn't here (though, NBC just started three or two new shows here -- Trauma and Parenthood... but I have no idea how to get involved with those shows in any way, if you know how I could, please tell me).
A show that is already in production is harder to get on than one
that is crewing up. They most likely have their entire crew, a
long list of back up people and an even longer list of hopefuls.
But in order to get involved in a TV show shooting locally you
will need to contact the production office. And you will need to
apply for a specific job - production managers don’t respond to
well to the dozens of people who call up and just want to bu
involved, but they respond well to people who want specific jobs
and have some level of skill or understanding of the job.

Since you want to be a director, screen writer and actor and
you’re going to college I’m sure you have the basic understanding
of what you’re going to have to do. You’re going to have to direct
some movies, you’re going to have to write some screenplays and
you’re going to have to audition for a lot of acting parts.

Oh, and thanks for your response. Who's Kafka?

Time to do a little research. Frankly anyone wanting to be a
writer should know who Kafka is.
Too littel too late

No offense intended but at 21 your still "a child" :)

I would council ANY of my kids (of which i have several) to NOT get married at that age. Currently you have an AA in a no pay field anyway, so your way behind the "get job, get money, get married, get babies" track anyway.

You are not "a Fianced", until you have a wedding date set, so either set the date, or re normalize on just having a girl friend.

It sounds like your parents and girl friend have great plans for you :) I'm sure they wont let your dreams stand in the way!

Seriously though,
I had a high school music teacher who when I asked him if I should got to college or drop out of high school and take a gig on the road with a hard drinking Skynard Tribute band, said "take the gig, go on the road, its a once in a life time opportunity"

Bastard, Ill never forgive him for that, though, in fairness I imagine my dating his daughter had something to do with his advice :lol:

Keep in mind, that doing something for FOOD, can really take the fun out of it :)
A show that is already in production is harder to get on than one
that is crewing up. They most likely have their entire crew, a
long list of back up people and an even longer list of hopefuls.
But in order to get involved in a TV show shooting locally you
will need to contact the production office. And you will need to
apply for a specific job - production managers don’t respond to
well to the dozens of people who call up and just want to bu
involved, but they respond well to people who want specific jobs
and have some level of skill or understanding of the job.

Well, that's cleared up for me. And thank you for your other insights as well.

I would council ANY of my kids (of which i have several) to NOT get married at that age........... You are not "a Fianced", until you have a wedding date set, so either set the date, or re normalize on just having a girl friend.

Dozens of people have already said something along these lines to me and my fiancee several times. We don't care. We know it's right, because it's right and we have set a date.
This is my advice... If you are totally interested in being a filmmaker then write a script and post the first 10 pages in a thread. That will determine a lot of things... At least to me it will.
You could also check out trailer of his finished feature
film that he has posted here. To me, at least, that
shows he's totally interested in being a filmmaker.
I'm going the route of:
I have a well paying day job I am using to self finance shorts in the hopes of eventually getting enough clout to find investors for a feature.
You cannot be recession proof working for someone else. Often people msitake a steady paycheck for security. They are the ones who get sent home on a friday with no heads up. The only way you'll remain recession proff (we are ina depression, not a recession) is to be the master of your own domain.
As things started drying up here, I closed my fancy boutique studio, moved the operation to my home and cut my hourly rate from $195/hr to $100/hr. This was a mistake. I was panicing and people don't make great decisions when doing that. Easy to do as the bread winner for a large family.
While I greatly reduced my overhead, I cut my income in less than half that year and I rethought the situation. I had several shows in pitching stages that I produce as a one man band. I used these sizzle reels as demos to my current clientele and pitched one man band productions to them for one flat price. This was a risk as it undercut the freelance producers that had been bringing me work. It was why I was doing such low volume then though. A camera dude or two, an audio guy, a producer, than paying me 5 figures to edit the piece. I was able to talk them into jst letting me make a show for one price. They have no budget surprises and enjoy a refreshing reality vibe of content. I went back to what I was making before my panic.
Had I been on salary for a boss, I'd be at his mercy and as most of you know, that's some dangerous stuff.
So, take the first intership offered then work your way into a low paying job. Learn everything you can. In a year or two, move on and give yourself a nice raise int he process. Don't hesitate to relocate. Do that every other year or so until comfy. When ready, go out on your own and create your way on your terms.
Closest thing to recession proff next to medicine/drugs

and sex

and salvation.