archived-videos Our Latest Sketch!! - Looking for Feedback

Hey Everybody,

Just put out Mad Cabbage's third comedy sketch, and as always looking for feedback. Just to preempt a couple of comments, I know some of the shots are a little over exposed, still kicking myself for that one, and yes sound can always be improved upon, working on upgrading my sound set up now, but any other comments, or suggestions, or anything at all is more than welcome.

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Best of the 3. Audio is great in the one-shots not so much in the wides.

The series is picking up speed. I love The Kids In The Hall and similar comedy troupes. Cheers.
Thanks so much, glad you're liking them. Ya, wide audio isn't nearly as good, because there weren't enough people to have everyone in shot and hold a boom, so I had to go with mounting the mic on the camera. I really need to convince a friend that holding a boom pole is super fun, would really make things much easier.
Ya I know kids in the hall, just haven't watched all their stuff. I know Mr. Show does a similar, but not exactly the same kind of sketch.
Thanks so much, glad you're liking them. Ya, wide audio isn't nearly as good, because there weren't enough people to have everyone in shot and hold a boom, so I had to go with mounting the mic on the camera. I really need to convince a friend that holding a boom pole is super fun, would really make things much easier.

It's easier to convince someone else to hold the camera, so oftentimes I hold the boom myself while directing such low budget endeavors.

The alternative is dialogue wilds, have them repeat their lines off camera close to the mic and then dub it over with that audio track. This is a fix in post solution so... the amount of time it takes depends on how good your actors are at repeating themselves and how experienced you are at audio post.
Thanks for the advice. Ya I've done wilds before, but usually prefer capturing dialouge live if possible, especially if I'm not using convient over the shoulder singles, to slot in wild lines.