On second viewing

What movies did you find significantly more enjoyable the second time around?

I just rewatched Avatar for the first time since seeing it in the cinema in it's blurry ugularity. I hated it back then, but after watching a 2D HD version of it, I kinda liked it. It wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be. This seems to happen quite often to me. I'll go into a movie and come out disliking it only to rewatch it out of sheer boredom sometime later and think, "Y'know, that wasn't half bad."
Blade Runner. I hated that movie the first time my husband (then-boyfriend) tried to make me watch it. Completely couldn't get into it and I don't think I even finished watching it. Now I really like it.
I just rewatched Avatar for the first time since seeing it in the cinema in it's blurry ugularity. I hated it back then, but after watching a 2D HD version of it, I kinda liked it.

Does that mean you'll take me off your ignore list? :D

I shall quote this, forever, any time anybody tries to say that "Avatar" is worthless if you don't see it on the big screen, in 3D. I know quite a few people who prefer it in 2D, and I know a number of people who only saw it on their small screen, and still liked it. Yes, there actually is a story there.

For me? This is a hard one to believe, but...

Pulp Fiction!

Saw it when I was 18, in a crowded theater, with a handful of my closest friends. Everyone was laughing their asses off, except me! I didn't get it. What the hell was everyone laughing at?!

Saw it again, maybe a year later, on DVD. Night and Day. What a thrill-ride of a movie! And it's hilarious! I've been a die-hard fan of QT, ever since.
I can't think of a movie I *didn't* like more after re-watching! The Matrix sequels first come to mind. I hated the second when it came out. After giving it another chance, I really enjoyed it.

I've been meaning to give Pulp Fiction another chance. I didn't care for it the first time (actually, I did see it twice, but within a couple months of each other). Actually, the only Tarrantino film I really liked was Kill Bill, which a lot of diehard fans didn't care for, so I assumed my tastes were just different. But at the end of the day, I believe that there is nothing in this world that's not worth watching at LEAST once.

TV not movies, but the Collected Works of Joss Whedon generally get better, just seeing the long-game planning and foreshadowing that goes into it. Every. Time.
+1 for the Prestige!

I think my favorite example is Shutter Island. The first time watching it was an intense psychological mystery. The second time, after I was keen on the story and jump-scares, I found it to be a very sad experience in the best way possible.

Now it's one of my all-time favorite films.

I didn't know anything about it when I saw it in the theater, I hated it because it was too long and I didn't really know what was going on. BUT, the ending twist bought me enough and I ended up researching the universe online, and then when I watched it again (this time the cut WITH The tales of the black freighter), I just loved it. I watched again after that, alone, and then again with a friend, and then again with my sister and I have yet to watch it, especially after I get my hands on the actual comic book.

About die-hard fans of QT not liking Kill Bill, that must be a joke. I forbid anybody to call himself a fan of QT and not liking Kill Bill.

And about Avatar, I saw it in 1080p 2D HD on my computer and I liked it. I'm kindda sad I won't get the chance to see it in REAL (not cheap) IMAX 3D.
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