Old 16MM Camera

I was thinking about buying an old Cine-Kodak or Bolex 16MM camera just to mess around with. I was wondering if you can use color film with these as long as it is 16MM?
I really don't know anything about film cameras, which type of film should I get the reversal or the negative?

Both are different and offer different options.

Negative film is a camera film that you shoot, send
to the lad and they develop it and make a print for
you to edit or run in a projector. You never project
the camera negative. Reversal film is a positive film
that you shoot, send to the lab and they develop it
and you can project it or edit it.

The type you "should" use depends on many factors.

For now, you can use negative film. The lab can develop
it and then transfer it directly to a digital copy - tape or
hard drive or movie file. If you have a projector and want
to project the film right away you should shoot reversal film.

Either way you now have a dozen different choices of
film stock with different ratings for exposure. Shooting
film is very, very different than shooting video. The learning
curve is MUCH harder.

You're going to have a lot of fun (and many mistakes) when
moving over to film.
Shooting film is, as said by directorik (nice name, and that comment is in no way related to my own name) very fun and gives you an aesthetic that is difficult to duplicate with today's cameras. However, it is VERY important that you know what you're doing when loading the film and shooting. If you do something wrong, it can largely affect the output of your film - that is why you should seek a tutorial on how to properly treat the film and camera before using it. It would be worth trying a few "dummy" reels if you haven't used the camera before to get used to loading it properly before having a go with the real thing because, obviously, film and development can be very expensive.

Good luck with shooting film my man, i've been using it for my degree and can say that it's definitely worth the struggle, but make sure you know what you're doing with it first!