archived-videos Objects in mirror are closer than they appear


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Written and Directed by:
Geoffrey Engelbrecht

based on a story by:
Patrick Escher

Patrick Escher
Maria Ahuactzin Lepel
Mirko Lepel
Eline Boss
Geoffrey Engelbrecht

Camera and Sound:
Geoffrey Engelbrecht
Eline Boss

Music by:

Filming was carried out in the suburbs of Zürich,
Switzerland over a day and a half.

I would love to hear your comments.

Best Regards,

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Well... neat little idea... the problem I found, was that the "action shots" were not filled with action... either too wide, to stationary, slow cutting, or just plain. For action, you really have to know when to tighten up the frame, shake the camera, make a fast pan, a slow pan, etc... it's about creating tension with the shots, but your wide shots had no perspective, and no pizzaz. Also, the shots of the guy driving the car showing the sky have no moevment to them. Try tightning p your shots, adding motion (creating excitement) to your shots, and go quicker on the cutting.

That's my advice! Good idea for a movie!
Spatula said:
"action shots" were not filled with action...

Thanks for the advice. I've cut the actions scenes a little tighter and sped them up a bit to give a greater contrast between the slow and fast parts. I had added in already false camera motion for some of the scenes which were a bit too quiet but I exaggerated this some more.

I hope it is better now although perhaps the closeups in the car should have been done against a nearfield backdrop to give more feeling of speed.

This is my fourth attempt at a short film and first attempt at any action so I'm learning by doing.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,

yeah... works a lot better with the adjustments :)... keep makin' them movies!

Something to keep in mind if you do action again... keep shots moving, and keep them tight... it creates suspense and excitement. Good little short you've got there... I can see how you went for the contrast thing, between people waiting, and some guy driving fast... it works really well... Good work.
YouAreAloneMOVIE said:
your title caught me by surprise.

Thanks guys. It probably still needs some tweaking on the timing.

I came up with the idea to do something about road rage a few years ago. I'm originally from Toronto myself and brought my car with me across the pond (it was the Honda in the film). The cars over here do not have any messages written on their mirrors unlike the ones in North America. Anyways I liked the message that the main character is not that different from a lot of people on the road today (even myself at times ;) ).

I liked your film as well. Nice style of still photos and narrative.

Best Regards,

Yes the above version is the edited version.

There were no new shots I just cut some of the scenes a bit shorter at the start and exaggerated the speed a little.

I do not want to exaggerate too much his franticness as I don't want the accident to be too obvious from the outset.

However that being said the irony of the film was lost on others in another forum so I'm thinking of adding something to the ending to give it more closure.

Best Regards,
