Not receiving IMDB/Site credit for a movie I worked on

Not receiving IMDb/Site credit for a movie I worked on

A couple of years ago I composed the score for a movie. At the end of last year, the movie was added to IMDb and in the beginning of this year the movie launched its website. I received credit in the movie, but not on IMDb or the site. I tried contacting the filmmakers and keep getting told they haven't gotten around to it and it will be added eventually.

My question is, is it common to omit or give such low importance to the music credit? And, at what point do you consider taking further action, if any, and what action can be taken?

I did leave off on bad terms with one of the filmmakers, so I wonder if that is a factor. Also, I was told the process of adding someone on IMDb was very time-consuming. I don't know if that's true or not.
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np is No Problem, right?

I think you pissed someone off at IMDB. I really do. I went back and forth for quite a while with them, and finally got on. But, it wasn't just because of the screening, that was in my form already. They really break your ass on that site. It could literally be the stupidest thing, and they won't put it up.
Iv heard from a few people that the best and quickest way to get on IMDB is to sign up with withoutabox. I guess they are tightly integrated or something..

I've heard this as well. But I've never heard anyone state clearly whether it's enough to submit to festivals through withoutabox, or if your film must be selected by a festival for IMDB to take the listing. Anyone got an answer to this?
A wonderful example of IMDb madness...

We kept trying to put a film of ours up. The director has 6 previous IMDb listings, all of which are seeing distribution. Yet they rejected our film, and always had a comeback. We finally sent them every single bit of info they required--including online articles on popular sites, press releases, and an online listing of the screening premiere (required).

They came back a week later and said, 'The festival you listed is not a legit festival. How do they determine who gets accepted?'

Which is crazy, because the festival it was shown at was ON THEIR LIST OF DROP DOWN CHOICES!!! Yet the idiots said the above statement.

Unbelievable. Unbelievable. No rhyme or reason. Dolts working there.

The movie finally got up...because we starting getting a bunch of press from it...they couldn't argue anymore.
I was signed up with WithoutABox and still didn't get on. I was selling on createspace and still nothing. Once I got a really nasty e-mail from someone at IMDB, I answered pretty rudely back, and it took that much longer to get listed.
I was signed up with WithoutABox and still didn't get on. I was selling on createspace and still nothing. Once I got a really nasty e-mail from someone at IMDB, I answered pretty rudely back, and it took that much longer to get listed.

Just out of curiosity, what did the nasty email say? What prompted them to send it?
Just out of curiosity, what did the nasty email say? What prompted them to send it?

It was a long time ago, and I don't remember what it said. But, it had to do with the fact I asked "How come Us Sinners isn't posted?" It was already complete, being sold on-line, had a bunch of great reviews, and was in a 12-Hour Marathon. I had filled out the form a dozen times. The reply was just rude. So, it took a while longer for it to get up. I think there's a post somewhere on here when it finally got posted. I was thrilled.
It was a long time ago, and I don't remember what it said. But, it had to do with the fact I asked "How come Us Sinners isn't posted?" It was already complete, being sold on-line, had a bunch of great reviews, and was in a 12-Hour Marathon. I had filled out the form a dozen times. The reply was just rude. So, it took a while longer for it to get up. I think there's a post somewhere on here when it finally got posted. I was thrilled.

I'm glad it finally worked out :)
None of my TV writing credits are listed. I have tried several
times and... nothing. Most of my EFX credits aren’t listed. None
of my second unit director credits are listed.

We all have stories of movies being listed that don’t deserve to
be there. The good news is everyone in the business knows IMDb is
simply a trivia website - as Zen says. It’s the folks on
messageboards that often challenge the legitimacy of comments and
advice if there are no (or not enough) listings.

I would love to know how so many movies that have never been made
get listed while movies like the ones we’re talking about here
(with proof) don’t. A friend of mine submitted a movie he was
thinking of making. It got listed. Like many of you, I submitted a
movie at the same time (with “name” actors) and it was rejected.

Who knows what evil lurks over there....