archived-videos "No Strings Attached"

No Strings Attached

I'm a writer by trade. I've been through many fiction writing workshops so feel free to critique as hard as you want. :cool:

Production notes: Yes we did use a seperate sound system but only half of it came out so I kept the camera mic sound. HUGE mistake on my part. :blush: I ordered a Sony MZM100 Hi-MD to correct the problem. Shant happen again.

This was probably one of the biggest learning experiences in my life. We had a wonderful time making this, our first movie. Looking forward to making more. :yes:

Thanks to Indie and Poke for putting this all on (the contest, the board, everything) and for the prizes. This has become a wonderful place to visit for me. I hope for you all as well.

UPDATE: Kick me in the the head, somehow during the moving of things around in Vegas I cut off my Art Director / Prop Master's credit. I am horrified by the ommision. Please forgive me John B. I am truly sorry bud. John is the one who built the abdomen, the blood, the mummy, the knife, all the cool stuff.
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Sadly, I missed most of the dialogue at the beginning.
I'm assuming this was a cursed tradition handed down from generation to generation, and one woman must bind the next in order to be free of it?

For having no production experience, you have a nice eye for open and closed form shots.
The fx on the corpse crawling and snapping at the younger woman was priceless!

Good job, Boz!
Okay, I get it now.

The very first line of dialogue establishes it. Now that I see that, everything else fell into place. Well done. :cool:

I know you know about the sound, so I won't mention it. Doh! :P

Sure wish I owned a mummified corpse.

The acting was a bit over the top, but I enjoyed it thoroughly nonetheless.

How exactly did you do that mummy-crawl, where the legs are kicking about? Is it articulated somehow, or was that the ol' switcheroo with a live person? Very effective.

Who was over the top? Was it all of them? This was my first time directing actors so the more mistakes I pick up on the better.

The mummy was actually an old plastic doll. The knees, elbows and shoulders were cut and hinges added. Then it was a simple matter of puppetry. John B. did ALL the mummy work. My hat is off to him.

Thanks for the help ZS, I really appreciate it bud. :yes:
I actually didn't understand the plot until after I read Bird and Zen's posts... It might be because of the low dialogue, though- I just couldn't hear some lines.

I think the daughter was a bit too abraisive with the lines.... "No Mama" is very startling- I actually laughed out loud!! Not in a mean way, but it just came out of nowhere!!! The mother was also a bit melodramatic. I think the problem was that the both of them weren't at the same level of oddness/quirkiness. It seemed like a Dr.Frankenstein/Igor archetype, but I didn't feel any real connection between the two.

The dummy was very well done, kudos to your puppeteers! The last shot in particular scared the bejesus out of me!! Great work!

For a first film, it was VERY well done. I'm actually quite surprised at how many first-time-films are just blowing me away!

First, congratulations on completing your first movie! That alone is a great accomplishment.

What I like best about your short is the creative storyline. You mentioned you are a writer by trade and that shows here. This story is WAY out there! I think it is the most unusual and unique story of all the entries. The actors performed admirably. The two females did come across as a bit surreal, but I think that actually worked well for this story. Their performances would have been right at home in a David Lynch movie. All in all, I think it worked. The puppet and special effects were also quite good.

The only suggestions for improvement I would make are regarding the sound (which you already know) and the lighting. Now, I am also guilty of inconsistent lighting so I know how hard it is... I did notice a few harsh shadows (in the bedroom and on the bedroom door) and the lighting of the table scene was darker on the male than on the female. The shot on the floor
also lost some clarity due to low light.

Overall, I loved the creepy, surreal feeling about this. Great storyline, great job!
Thanks very much Denis and John, that helps a lot. :)

Not sure what I did wrong with my actors, pushed their performances too far. Need to tone it down, more subtle, less pronouced maybe.

I'm taking the lighting thing to heart, now that you pointed it out it sticks out like a sore thumb. LOL Funny what you miss when you're too close to a project. ;)

Really appreciate it guys!

n e thing else? Don't be shy now.
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Boz Uriel said:
Not sure what I did wrong with my actors, pushed their performances too far. Need to tone it down, more subtle, less pronouced maybe.

I wouldn't think of it that way, Boz. I liked the performances, they suited the tone of your movie quite well. However, I think this would make a good topic of discussion for the chat room some evening (once it is back online) -- how do you direct actors into the best possible performances? Let's try to have that discussion some evening. I'd love to know what other people do!

But as for your movie, Boz...I think you did a great job with it!
Thanks John. Nice to hear it. ;)

Yes, that's an excellent idea for the chat room. Do you think it all comes down to experience? The more actors you direct, the better you get at it?
Boz, I have a lot of trouble directing actors as well.. especially when they know me (they find it hard to take me seriously!)... I would love to have a big chat night to discuss this!

I think it is one of those things where you will find each project getting easier and easier... it's about communication of ideas, mutual respect, and balancing several things in one's mind... It will get easier as time goes- you will discover what looks/sounds good on camera... it's hard to explain, but acting is sometimes not about potraying realism, but cheating realism to suit the camera... the director should guide the actor ... imagine a tailor, adjusting the suit to the model...
Boz Uriel said:
Next time I'm in Toronto, I'm buying you a beer (or two). :beer:
Is Philadelphia any closer for you (hint, hint)? ;)

I think this (how to direct actors) is potentially a great topic of discussion, but we shouldn't de-rail Boz's thread so I created a new thread for it HERE.

Boz, I'm looking forward to what crawls next out of your mind and into a movie!
Oh, nice anthropomorphizing there. A chilling mental image to be sure. ;) Don't think I've ever been to Philly, well now I know I got a drinking buddy. Cheers!

Thanks for the encouragement John.
jpw--I just checked and had same problem. I will put Boz's movie up on my site so you can watch it.

Temporary link for Boz's movie
No Strings Attached by Boz Uriel

Boz, I hope you don't mind. If you object...let me know and I will remove the file immediately.
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