Nine Inch Nails Creative Commons Album

Probably old news.. but..

Thought this was a cool find for those non-commercial video projects, some very usable sound track music.. nice to have some cool stuff to drop in behind your various tests etc..

excerpt from ...

“We believe BitTorrent is a revolutionary digital distribution method, and we believe in finding ways to utilize new technologies
instead of fighting them,” Reznor said.

“We encourage you to share the music of Ghosts I with your friends, post it on your website, play it on your podcast, use it for video projects, etc.”

None of this would have been possible had Reznor been burdened with a record label. This is quite possibly the biggest success story
for Creative Commons yet, and the strongest indictment of the record labels’ outdated business model.
crazy thing is this news.. old again.. but telling about the biz..

In its first week the new Nine Inch Nails 36-track instrumental album "Ghosts I-IV" had a total of 781,917 transactions, which includes free and paid downloads as well as orders for the physical copy, resulting in $1,619,420 USD. The 2,500 copies of the ultra deluxe edition of the album, which sold for $300, sold out in three days.

"Ghosts I-IV" will see a physical release on April 8th.

How do we apply this biz model to our movies is an interesting question.. its all bout networking and fan base..
Wow, wait. So I can use this in my documentary as long as I don't charge for it? It'll be free online, so would I be clear? Could I use it for a trailer too? Any other small print I need to be aware of? Could I mess around with the tracks and mix them with other tunes or do I need to leave them as they are.

I've like NIN since I was an angry little kid.

The business model is super intelligent. I think we'll see a lot more of this type of project in the future.

EDIT: If anyone listens to the whole thing tell me what yr favourite tracks are... looking especially for more upbeat ones.
EDIT2: Listening now, it rules....
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Thanks RR, currently downloading it. I bet a bunch of people are going to use this for their doccos but seeing as mine is not far from release I'll be ahead of the pack. Right place right time. Wow you can remix online...

I'll have to take a good look at the exact license, there are a few variants of CC, but it seems OK. The tracks are classic and very diverse.

This is the exact slip licence:

the slip is licensed under a creative commons attribution non-commercial share alike license.