Night Video

I am planing on making a promotional/music video based on my Search and Rescue squad.
However I forsee some problems...


1. Shooting at dusk-dark
Do I need speacial lens?
Does it have to be green style night vision?
Will headlmps and flashlights look good on any camera?
Do I need speacial lighting?

2. I would like to do some of the video in slow motion or something similar
Can I do that on any video editing program?
How do I do that?

3. I intend to put music to the video and use it for a high school music video competition
Do I need to obtain permission?

4. Does this sound at all feasible for someone with no experience and little to no budget?

Any and all help is much appreciated!
1. Shooting at dusk does not need a special lens. It does not have
to be night vision. Headlamps and flashlights don’t look good as
lighting sources, but as headlamps and flashlights they look fine.
In order to really do it right, you should use lighting - no
special lighting, but you should use lighting to make it look

2. You can do slow motion in most editing programs. The
instructions that came with your editing program will tell you how
to do it. If you don’t have an editing program the person you find
to help you edit will know how to do it.

3. You obtain permission to use music by contacting the publisher
of the music you want to use and ask.

4. It sounds feasible to me. It’s going to take some work and it
sure would help if you teamed up with other people. A
promotional/music video is rarely done by one person with no
experience and no budget. Find someone with a camera, find someone
who knows a little about lighting, find and editor and ask for

But I also think with a lot of work and some time it’s feasible
for someone with no experience to gain experience.

I'm a "learn by doing" type of person. But there are others here
who will point you to books you can read. And, of course, you can
always hire someone to make this promotional/music video for you.
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