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Next Movie - Kevin Straw vs. Africa?

Okay so here is the scoop...

I'm going to africa for 2 weeks on a Safari (Lions, Rhinos, Elephants etc) and will be staying at lodges. Beyond doing a wildlife documentary/photography while I'm there I'm thinking of doing something more fictional during the off-periods. But I don't have an idea on how to pull it off.

Trip Video Resources (as of now, subject to change but packing as light as possible).
1 Photographer / Theater Actor
1 Video/Photographer / Director (Me)
D90 and perhaps Flip Video, lenses + tripod
Staying in Lodges the whole trip, max 3 nights in any one location.

So basically its a story of 1-2 people travelling to various places? I was also thinking KS vs. Africa (similar to Scott Pilgrim but instead of evil exes its the "Big 5") but again not so sure how to pull that off (I'm not going to get out an pet the lions - so to speak).

I'll write the script before I go, but I need a pausible/doable idea, (and being that it is travel improv some parts as you never know what is going to happen). Any ideas would be helpful.:)
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Maybe devise something that takes place mostly here (At home) and use Africa as like dream sequences so that the shots there can just be more or less easy visual story set-ups.

Your character could be running from something, or seen waking up there confused or lost, or like they are heeding some call or searching for something elusive in a dream.

Imagine like “I have to go to sleep, I have to find her, or it, or know what is calling me! I have to get back to Africa!!”

Then maybe what they find (buried) is a postcard from wherever you live, and they are like
“Greetings from New Jersey?! What the F--” -POOF!-

They wake up and look out the window to see the city and traffic at home and sigh let down, then turn to get up and (you green screen in/Pre-Keyed stock footage) find a lion in their room!

THE END. (TRIBAL DRUMS play over closing credits)

*It would look cool and surreal if they were walking around in their pajamas in Africa.

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Cool, have fun in Africa!

As for what you could do, there are some great suggestions above.

Off the top of my head, perhaps have ur character have a split personality. He is trying to accomplish something but when his other side takes over, he doesnt know what happens. He just wakes up in a different location. And then he has to figure out what his other side did to sabotage him and continue achieving his original goal.

EDIT: Wait, why does this sound familiar...
I like the dream sequence idea. I know what show your talking about with the split personality, not really my style as I'd have to explain what happened.

Another though is shots that can only be taken in Africa (again animals make up a big part of this) but obviously a shot of a field in africa is as good as a shot of a field in your back yard unless there is something different. So beyond animals what else should I videotape in Africa (if only to use it as stock footage for later movies / for sale / trade)?
I think a dream thing would be cool.

As far as other stuff to possibly get:

Sunset/Sun Rise, Landscapes, Weather extremes, Plant life, Trees, Insects.
(I think you’ll know it when you see it like anything else. Maybe study some stock footage?)

Then just treat it as stock footage takes: Wides that are framed centered and off centered, super slow pans,zooms and tilts.

Depending what gear you have, you might get some far out audio too. (Day and Night)

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I like the dream sequence idea. I know what show your talking about with the split personality, not really my style as I'd have to explain what happened.

Another though is shots that can only be taken in Africa (again animals make up a big part of this) but obviously a shot of a field in africa is as good as a shot of a field in your back yard unless there is something different. So beyond animals what else should I videotape in Africa (if only to use it as stock footage for later movies / for sale / trade)?

Which show is it? Bc i know it sounds familiar but i really cant remember.

EDIT: or would it be spoiling everyone if you told us the name of the show...?
i sugggest you takes video of landscapes of the rich vegetation. probably you can show it as a forest .
Also you can show the culture . The dance he beat and of course the poverty which I hate