archived-videos New Speilburgh Trailer

Hey guys, I made a feature film comedy and have the trailer up.. the film is called Speilburgh. I'd really like some feedback on what you think. Does the movie look good? BAD? hit me with it. What would you do different ect.

We already won some awards.. at the New York independent film festival,(best feature comedy) and the Miami independent film festival. (Grand Jury award) So it should be worth checkin' out. If you are a fan of Mall Rats or Clerks.. it's that type of comedy. here is the movie website. if you wanna see more stuff...

and here is the link the the trailer. This page has different option of file formats. Just choose the one you prefer.

Thanks guys. Just be honest. Try not to be too mean.. :)
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hahah! The pellet guns!! Those sound effects! Goddamn- HILARIOUS! Love the pellet guns!

Really good trailer- looks great!!
Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate that.

Lots of people from here have watched the thing.. or at least got on the site to load it.. Is the file not working properly? or is it THAT bad that you don't want to respond in the forum.. Let me know.. COme on guys.. TALK.
Hey, thanks for the compliments! Anyone can order a Speilburgh DVD if they want to see the whole thing.The producers are only Charging 10 bucks. They had some dvd's pressed for all the investors and there are extras. so if you want one goto then click on the concession stand / counter and then click the dvd that is sitting on the counter. it will take you to a place where you can order one. I'd like to hear what people think of the whole thing.
That is truly a great trailer. It really looks funny and got me interested in the film.

...The website is a little wierd, though. To get to the trailer it opens up two new windows. Just thought I'd say that.

well our budget was about 90k

we shot on super 16mm film

but the main thing is (that i love) we got dolby digital surround sound. We didn't get any named actors for the film but we have top notch professional quality.

i wrote a few scripts and one of them won an award from Kodak and WRS motion picture labs. so I knew the people in the labs so we got killer sound editing for really cheap.

about the website? what is weired about it.. I want to fix it. does everyone agree with that? being wiered?

I can't figure out what you mean by it opens up two other windows.

thank you for the compliments though guys... I'm still trying to get distribution. we have a few leads and interested parties.. but nothing in writing. anyone know anyone?
Well, when I click "Go" to watch the spielburgh trailer, a window pops up to so I can choose which file type I want to watch. This is fine, but When I choose WMV or Quicktime, another window pops up with the trailer in it. I would suggest making the video in that same window.

I also think all of your links (DVD, email us, links, image gallery, etc.) should be on one page rather than "Concessions, ticket counter, and theater". You may want to get a second opinion, but that's my two cents.

thats a good idea...

i could have it so you can still go to those places... for visual quality..... bla bla but have the same links there as well so all them would be where ever you go...

what'cha think?
I saw it twice and liked it a lot.

I'm thinking that if you took the sound bite of
Darth Vader breathing and the line, "you can't hide forever..."
you could have a big problem. However, if you re-created it, then you should be OK.

The shots, lighting and sound were pretty right on...

I especially loved the part when
Bad guy gets shot in the face with a pellet gun.

Looks pretty damn good!


[EDIT] I went to go order my copy of the feature and there was a SERIOUS interlacing problem on the trailer here: Looks REALLY bad. :huh:

I think you should change it... I saw the WMV version, which was fine.
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looks like a bad link

thanks for that tip... Looks like a bad link. i think that was the old version of the trailer. EDIT-YUP that is the old trailer.. that one shows quite a bit of the movie.. the trailer we have now.. i cut way down. i'll have to fix that.. thanks... -/EDIT

Yeah that pellet gun to the face was something that happened with my friend and I.. I shot him in the face. our make up artist didn't know how to make it look so when we were on set and she was doing it i was able to show her real pictures...

If you are going to order a copy that's cool we appreciate the support!!!! . I know you'll like it... the end credits are full of outtakes. and has full 3d menu's not too expensive.. just 10 bucks...

"wish I got some of the money when people bought a copy" but we have to make all the money back first.

let me know what you think of the whole thing.

oh by the way.... guys... I play J. A. Y. in the movie.
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Behind the Scenes

No behind the scenes on this dvd though we have tons of footage of that... I purposly hired a guy to walk around with a mini DV cam and get interviews and behind the scenes footage... Just need someone to edit it. There are a few behind the scenes clips on the site.. if you go to the theater.... and before you enter in. click the trashcan.

OK FIXED... Check it out now. I put a ticket type thing that is on every page. I also made it so when you watch the trailer.. you choose a connection speed and it plays it on the screen pretty cool.. I'm in the process now of putting in an arcade... Every movie theater has an arcade.... right? anyway just follow the link that is in my signature.

let me know what ya think.