archived-videos New Speilburgh Trailer

Hey guys, I made a feature film comedy and have the trailer up.. the film is called Speilburgh. I'd really like some feedback on what you think. Does the movie look good? BAD? hit me with it. What would you do different ect.

We already won some awards.. at the New York independent film festival,(best feature comedy) and the Miami independent film festival. (Grand Jury award) So it should be worth checkin' out. If you are a fan of Mall Rats or Clerks.. it's that type of comedy. here is the movie website. if you wanna see more stuff...

and here is the link the the trailer. This page has different option of file formats. Just choose the one you prefer.

Thanks guys. Just be honest. Try not to be too mean.. :)
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I can't use the name Azmyth1?


thanks for the compliment. I did the site. it's flash and 3ds max and dreamweaver...

and of course a bit of photoshop.
I meant the speilburgh name.

You used max to create the interior design and dreamweaver to script it? Doesnt dreamweaver make flash for you?

well I use the flash program to do a few things.. and you can imbed flash files into dreamweaver.. just by opening them..

but i used max to render out two images.. one plain.. the other with all the glow effects.. then took them into illustrator and used the slice tool.. after the save for web command i was able to open it in dreamweaver.. and use the slices of the objects i wanted for buttons and created roll over images with them..

so mostly there is no flash.. oh actually.. for the trailers.. i just imported the quicktime trailer into flash and the published the flash document.. and placed the flash movie where the movie screen is.

it's pretty simple.. you just have to know the sizes of the cells that you are putting the images or flash documents into... and make them accordingly.

Hey guys I'm only gonna post this here, but The guy selling the speilburgh dvd's is gonna take down the sale page... and we have a few left. he said i could put them up for 5 bucks each.. so you can get a copy if you want one. I don't care.. I don't see any of the money.. but it ends up being like 10 bucks because of shipping. We have i think like a box left.. i think that is like 15 or so dvd's

these aren't burnt dvd's they are actual pressed dvd's in cases with barcodes ready for shelves. we have to get rid of em because of a certain distribution deal we got. actually aren't suppose to sell anymore... anyway... we have to take down the sale site... but i'm posting this here to let you guys know... cause well I like you guys. and if you want one go ahead.... THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!
oh watch for it at BEST BUY and WAL MART! it will be a different case design and stuff but same movie..

anyway have fun!!!

oh uh link... not sure what it is.. but if you go to the site.. you can click on a link to get to the sale page.