Hello, i'd like to drop a short introduction before I start posting throughout the site a bit.
First off, my name is Curtis. I'm a 17 year old High School Senior in Southern, Indiana.
After High School, I plan on simply going wherever my life seems to take me. College isnt an option, I honestly dont even want to go, too much money and my grades have never been that good either; because while in class im normally reading about other subjects that inretest me, that arent taught at school. (Dont get me wrong, I LOOOVVVEE to learn, but generally I could care less about what is taught inside the class room, so I bring along my own literature to read as the teacher talks, I still do well on tests and stuff, I just dont really bother with bringing anything home to do.)
As of right now, i'm working on a script for a short film, possibly 30-45 minutes long.
If anyone wants to discuss film-making or anything that is film-making related, i'd love to talk. Just PM me and i'll give you my GoogleTalk, or MSN name. I also have aim and ICQ, but I NEVER use them, they're just there because I need to use them to get ahold of certain people sometimes.
Below are a few pictures of myself, I suppose thats kind of relevant to this post:
(I've since gotten a shorter haircut..)
Anyways, i'm glad to be a member of the site, I plan on showing off my first promotional trailler as soon as tonight, but more reasonably tomorrow.
First off, my name is Curtis. I'm a 17 year old High School Senior in Southern, Indiana.
After High School, I plan on simply going wherever my life seems to take me. College isnt an option, I honestly dont even want to go, too much money and my grades have never been that good either; because while in class im normally reading about other subjects that inretest me, that arent taught at school. (Dont get me wrong, I LOOOVVVEE to learn, but generally I could care less about what is taught inside the class room, so I bring along my own literature to read as the teacher talks, I still do well on tests and stuff, I just dont really bother with bringing anything home to do.)
As of right now, i'm working on a script for a short film, possibly 30-45 minutes long.
If anyone wants to discuss film-making or anything that is film-making related, i'd love to talk. Just PM me and i'll give you my GoogleTalk, or MSN name. I also have aim and ICQ, but I NEVER use them, they're just there because I need to use them to get ahold of certain people sometimes.
Below are a few pictures of myself, I suppose thats kind of relevant to this post:

(I've since gotten a shorter haircut..)
Anyways, i'm glad to be a member of the site, I plan on showing off my first promotional trailler as soon as tonight, but more reasonably tomorrow.