archived-videos new here with a new video

unlike most of the video makers here, i don't have a camera and don't shoot my own video. i work almost entirely with public domain footage (, and/or video and images supplied by fans and bands. i cut everything together with Adobe Premiere. this latest video is for Terami Hirsch, an indie musician with a voice easily as lovely as KaTe Bush, and lyrics to die for. at least, that's how i feel about the music. (real media, about 12 meg) (windows media, about 22 meg)

the video is 22 megabytes in Windows Media or about 12 meg in Real Media. i appreciate your time in viewing this video.

NOTE: i edited this message to reflect the move of the videos from the rapidshare server to my own server.
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Hello and welcome!
My those files take a bit to download!
Well worth it though- a nice stirring little piece. Love the music. Where was that footage originally from? A Movie?
Spatula said:
Hello and welcome!
My those files take a bit to download!
Well worth it though- a nice stirring little piece. Love the music. Where was that footage originally from? A Movie?

thanks, spatula.

the footage for that video comes from the Perlinger Archives at film number is 50527, titled The Long Way home: it's about recovery after a grevious injury. i downloaded it avi format, and cut about 3 minutes out of the film to make it fit not only the subject matter of Terami's lyrics, but the length of the tune.

i prefer to make videos for lesser- or unknown bands. i figure the bigger bands can afford the pros.
"In order to finance this webspace, downloads are limited for free-users. This file exceeds your download-limit. Please wait one hour. Or maybe you want to get a PREMIUM-Account, too? Instant access!"
May want to find a more reliable host.
I should tell my friend Sean about you. He's an "East Coast" Rapper, and by that I mean from Newfoundland. Really good stuff- he's called "The Wordburglar" and he does some really hilarious spoof-hop. Musically sweet to listen to.
Check out
I'm not sure if he ever put the song "Hermaphromic" on the site, but it still has a couple of his tunes.
Maybe toss it up to the servers?

After all... that's where the original material came from anyway. :cool:

Zensteve said:
Maybe toss it up to the servers?

After all... that's where the original material came from anyway. :cool:


i gave that thought, Zensteve ... but since the music is owned by the artist, i can't really do that. i don't make these professionally ... just as promotionaly tools for the young bands.

though one video i did for the band Otep was used to open their tour this year. no PD in that one, though. mainly footage supplied by the fans and by the band.

Finally got it downloaded.

(The current server is pretty slow, btw)


That was a brilliant video. :cool:

Is Terami Hirsch on rotation at the channel "In Dark Faith Eternal"? I'm fairly sure I've heard that song before.

What was the footage originally from? So tragic.

It reminded me a lot of "The Best Years Of Our Lives". Old film.


Excellent work.
The Prelinger Archives are a brilliant resource. We made a fake documentary and used clips throughout to give it validity. It's searchable, well-indexed and extensive.

And for server info, I'll plug I don't work for them, don't get a kickback or anything, they are just the best bang-for-your-buck host I've been able to find.

For the cost of a yearly domain ($25), I get 1 gig a month of transfer. They were GIVING away .info domains so most of my clips go there (didn't have time to set up our trailer) so that's 2 gig. If we ever get so much traffic that the limit is a problem, I'd be glad to pay for more. But anyone with a cheesy url can at least get a domain for next-to-nothing. Oh, and you get some pop email accounts as well, pretty much the same things you'd expect from a true web host.