New Camera behind My Letus Extreme

OK, I was this close to DSLR, but now after really diving deep, I feel I need to step back and reconsider upgrading the camera BEHIND my Letus Extreme 35mm adapter.

I'm thinking in the $2K range. What say you?
I have and can vouch for the JVC-HM100, it's pretty killer. AND it uses SD cards. You might be able to find a used one in the $2k area.

I use it for talking head stuff (interviews, teaching, etc) with the lens as-is and it looks good.

I still prefer my 7D for all the cinematic and narrative stuff though.
We have a few A1U's on the show that I am currently working. Pretty sweet, for a taped based rig. Can't recall where you are on media preference, Wheat.

This is interesting:

Recently released Canon XA10. Around your price point so I thought I'd toss it in the mix. On the plus side it has real xlr ins, on the downside it's a 1/3" CMOS camera, not sure how I feel about that, although behind a letus with Canon Gamma going it might look pretty sweet.

How about I add the link, :lol:

On closer inspection it's h.264. <_< Skip it.