Justin, I just wanna cast my vote that your graphic design skills are bloody amazing. The photo's good. The orientation of the text is good. Choice of font and all that, spot on. For people who are recommending a bigger or smaller title or removal of names, I think they may be trying to fix something that doesn't necessarily need much fixing. They could be absolutely right but I just want you to know that I think your original layout is fab.
I made a joke earlier about adding the blood, and, yes, I was awfully sarcastic when I wrote that, but I actually was creeping up on a wee bit of a point. I think the one thing your poster needs is a story. You've got this stuffed toy, right? Bloody genius. But it's the combination of that stuffed toy with another element that's going to make the story. You don't have that other element, though.
Sit back and ask yourself what's the story of your poster as it is now? And then ask yourself what would be the
ideal story of your poster? I don't think your actual movie is quite represented yet. I think you need another element. So what would that other element be?
Possible Stupid Ideas From Me
- An old man's hand reaching down
- a harpoon stuck in the wall in the background slightly out of focus
- The shadow of an old man on the back wall
- a puddle of ocean water underneath the lion
- a lipstick smudge of a woman's kiss on his cheek
I'm sure all of my suggestions are dead wrong for your movie, but you see where I'm going with the ideas? You see how they're meaningless on their own but
in juxtaposition with the lion, their identify makes a very strong statement? A good poster tells a story. Your design is superb. And actually the entire poster is great as it is. But I bet your audience will really grow if the poster were to make us deduce something more substantial about your content.