Need a way to levitate someone in a wide shot

Hi everyone!

I am currently in pre-production of a Horror/Thriller where one of the main characters gets lifted off the ground and pinned against the wall by an invisible force. I would like for him to be lifted up against the wal and slowly slid upward.

Now, I know that I can just cheat this and have some dangling feet and forced perspectives but I am wondering about doing this in a wide shot.

Currently the scene takes place in a children's room and we cut away from the regular footage to show the person being lifted within a grainy teddy bear cam shot for a second or two.

What do you all think? Green screen? Create a rig? rent a rig?

This is all in an actual house with maybe 8 ft ceilings.

Thanks in advance!

Oh wait, you are right!
I was thinking about the ceiling instead of the wall; I guess I didn't read too well. :lol:

OK so the consensus here is to recreate the wall and just slide the actor across it? That's doable. I have the actor first being thrown up against the wall so we could knock a lot of what is normally on the wall off at that time.

I could then just use some strings to make it happen.


Anyone totally opposed to a rig? Also, could someone better walk me through how you would green screen this so it would match?

Show the sliding up in a tight shot where the actor starts with bent knees and slowly rises up. Then show a wide shot and actually hang the actor from some sort of harness on the wall.

Green screen could work, too, but practical effects always look better.
I hate it when there are two threads on the same thing.
I wish people would post once so it's easy to read what
other people say without bouncing back and forth.