Need a new monitor have $250

Hi all,
Im using crap for a video monitor and need something better.

I can go up to $300. Im on a PC.


Im looking at apple cinema displays on my local craigsllist, but Im not clear on what apple monitors will NOT work with my PC (if any).. seems that any that use DVI should be fine.. but there are experts here who know best..
Last year I picked me up what I THOUGHT was a nice 1080p new $200 jobbie, and it SUCKED for video. Clipped the blacks and I could never get it work right for blacks. I threw it to the kids game PC and am using an old LCD that has good blacks and colors, but has slow scan rate... grrr...

I really need specific model\brand recommendations combined with personal testimony from people here I trust.
I can tell you a LED LCD is going to give you better blacks than a regular LCD monitor. Now I currently have this one, but have found that it creates a light border around the screen that is noticeable against black. And rather annoying. Other than that, you can get great color detail out of it and it can be VERY bright if you want it. I had to turn my brightness down because it started giving me a headache. I think the main reason I went with this was A. It has a 3 year warranty and B. I got it on sale at newegg. I can say, I previously had a 20" HP 2009m which was just regular LCD. It too had the same border against blacks so I'm not sure if that is something that just tends to occur with monitors or what. Ok, well this might not be a recommendation, but maybe the info might help. Good luck!
My understanding of this is to keep in mind most consumer LED displays are just making you image brighter which thus makes your blacks look darker because of all the beaming light around it. It by no means is a colour accurate display for colour grading and reference. LCD company's want you to think your getting a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio, but really your probably getting 100:1 static at best. Alot of consumer panels that are around 150 quid are also TN panel, try go for IPS, as its much better quality. Generally the high end Dell, HP and NEC monitors are best. Also get a probe to calibrate your shiny new monitors to be as accurate as possible. Getting your monitor as neutral as possible is important, otherwise when you view your material on an average TV/LCD it will look very wrong and doing this minimises the problem.

Check this review site out, its way over informative with the colour science... but you can skip to the end and get an idea of what its like:

Hope this helps
Thanks T.Coster, loading that site now..

I am interested in PERSONAL recommendations and experience. Iv head IPS panels are the way to go, but knowing WHICH monitors have them is the tricky part.

Dan Scott