archived-videos My video montage "State of Humanity"

Hey all,

I'm brand new to Love what you guys have going here.

Anyways, I was bored one day so I made up a video montage about war. I call it "State of Humanity". It was edited on my personal PC using Sonic DVD(generic DVD burner editor).

*EDIT* Out of habit I put down I edited this with Avid and a Mac. That was incorrect since this was made before I got them.

State of Humanity

-Jack La Corte
New Lineage Films
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Good Work! I love interesting video projects like this one. To be honest, after the intro and some of the archival footage I was expecting this to be a Bush bashing piece, but I found it more of an examination of evil in the world and the violence that ensues when such evil exists.

Good job!

Interesting work

Hi there, I'm also new to these forums....i get bored at work.....

I'm also a bit of a video artist and have had a couple of successful pieces, check out my profile, and I must say I was plesantly suprised by your project, seeing as you say you just kind of pumped it out.

I'm trying to set up a group of video artists to compose a visual tapestry, so if your interested please dont hesitate to contact me.

The project is kind of like those drawings where one person draws a heads then folds the picture so it is invisible to the next person and they draw the torso etc......

It may sound childish but we're trying to take the video to strange new places, a collaborator of mine did a ten minute piece that juxtaposed actual internal endescope footage with flash guns...
I have to say I wasn't quite so keen on it.

Unless something is intended to be totally abstract or absurdist, I really think there does need to be something said... giving an opinion, taking a side, telling a story, call it what you will.

It probably didn't help that I have seen all the clips and images presented many times in the past, spanning several generations of warfare. So in that respect, it was bringing nothing new to the table for me. Effectively, it was creating a generic montage of war imagery and setting it to a song that I don't like.


I hope I don't come across as sounding mean.

I just think you might have done more with it.

It was a generic piece, just another montage, but it did look good, and see what you see. I enjoyed, it and it got me thinking about how missed up this world can be. Thanks, and sorry Zen but I like the song. :P
its not a bad song, but it was not in the right place i felt.
something like this required a different song, a song that would not normally be associated with these images (the magic roundabout theme or dragostea din tei)
in order to cause an antithesis for the audience, forcing them to conclude their own individual synthesis - making it more relevant to them individually, as well as humanity.
I agree I could have done more. I was actually incorrect in my specifics that I gave in my first post. I made this just before I got my company Avid and a Mac, so the editing program I used was the generic editor that comes with a DVD burner and my personal PC(which by no means is an editing machine). Originally it was not going to be images, but clips. I was only planning on doing it in a day however, and had to improvise. So when things would lag and crash when I tried to use clips I decided to resort to still images with only a couple clips that would cooperate. I like the song however, and still feel it fits. I had other songs I considered using, but felt this one was best(even though it is sort of whiney).

Anywho, thanks for the constructive criticism. I'm just happy to be getting different views over a project that I threw together at the spir of the moment. :)

All my future projects are actual shorts, not montages. I look forward to posting my most recent work soon.
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I personally like dramatic sounding music in my projects. For this one, I felt the music added a more dramatic element to it. That's just my personal preference though. Originally I was going to use adagio for the strings but decided that was over done. Then I was going to use "Mad world"(credits song) but decided against that as well.
Director21 said:
I personally like dramatic sounding music in my projects. For this one, I felt the music added a more dramatic element to it. That's just my personal preference though. Originally I was going to use adagio for the strings but decided that was over done. Then I was going to use "Mad world"(credits song) but decided against that as well.

good call. i have played it to people and they say the music fits just right. i remember now why i didn't feel it was fitting. it was probably because i had just finished listening to that song on the cd, so the dramatic effect probably skipped me by! :blush:
That was sobering to say the least. The song didn't bother me. My only problem with it was the end credit. I wanted to close the player after there was nothing more to see (I didn't but). the end song was alright just needed something to go with it.

nice work

I recently viewed your work "State of Humanity".. Even though it was just a quick snap thought to fingers to media compliation, it is really good. the transitions are slow and give a great mood setting. I like it and your site. It appears yu have a great crew down there in Tampa. I'd love to see future works from you guys over there at NewLineage. Soon i'll perhaps post my videography on here titled "Sand Madness" (it's in post production) it's follows the same trail as "State of Humanity" but is more secluded to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Anyways, good luck godspeed don't forget the video feed. -