My Teams 48hr Film

Here is the film my team and I completed for the 48hr film festival here in Las Vegas. I was the DP on the project. Just got word that we are in the running for some awards this year.

Genre: Film Noir
Character: Alex or Alexis Templeton, Science Teacher
Prop: tape
Line of Dialogue: "I love what I do."
Very nice. Good lighting, good acting.

I really like the whole film-noir-as-alternate-reality/fantasy way you did it. It flowed well for me.

What were your resources for this?
Well done!

You missed a great opportunity, I think, to have Mason's cigar actually lit. I mean, cigar or cigarette smoke in a Film Noir is EXPECTED and would have enhanced the images. Still, you did an excellent job overall.


We had a crew of 15ish

Adeimantus i totally agree with you about the Cigar, I think it would have given it a more authentic Noir look. I guess if we don't win "best Film" we can blame that! haha
just thought i would give an update on this project

The awards ceremony was last night and my team took home

best Cinematography
best use of Genre

Had a great time working on this project.. and since i was the Cinematographer on the project i was pretty happy with the out come :)