archived-videos My Tarantino Parody Again - Can Someone See If This Works?

EDIT!!! **** NEW HOST SITE! FTP was much faster and easier, I think it's actually going to work this time :) ****



I'm setting up my new animation site :yes: (to replace to the one on :no: that vanished) and I want to make sure that it works before I re-upload everything. I was wondering if someone who has a high-speed connection could check this out as I spent so much time uploading it on dial-up, I don't have time to download it :rolleyes: . And in the process, you get to see my Quentin Tarantino talk show parody!

Thanks very much,

[URL=]The New Website
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Tried the direct link- it said the file was corrupted. :(

Not sure if this will work, but try removing the .html from the link after /public

If that doesn't work, I'm useless. :cool:
file download is corrupt

I got the same white flash when viewing it above.

What CODEC are you using?

What application are you using to render it?

Did the file play on your PC before you uploaded it?
Thanks everyone for trying it and commenting :)

I've played it several times on my computer and it used to be up on a different website from which people downloaded it no problem along with several of my other cartoons. That website disappeared without notice a few months ago and I've been trying different sites ever since then.

Do you think it would make a difference if I used a pay site? Since one free site worked, I don't understand why another one wouldn't, and I'd hate to sign up for a pay site only to have this happen. Of course, I'd hate to get them all back up there only to have them vanish again.

On this site, I think the problem might be that while it was FTP'ing it to the site (which takes about 40 minutes on my connection) it "timed out" and had to re-connect like about five times.
I think that maybe the problem is in your upload... just try it again... is it the SAME exact size on the server and on your PC?

Were you doing anything to your PC durring transmission?
Yes, but verifying the file size would tell of it happened durring transmission or if it needs to be re-created.

A corrupt file is no good. It does more damage than good... it's a waste of space... Just like those corrupt politicians you were talking about Anima.

A courrupt file could happen if part of it is on a bad sector of the hard drive. OR if the process was messed up in the rendering. OR if the transfer from one place to another (FTP upload) had missed packets.
I saw coot as the last poster and thought it was the author. My bad, Anyways my comment wasnt directed at you cootdog.

PS, Did you finish you space film.
Is this the same version as the other, or has it been updated?

If it's the same, I *think* I have that stored on a harddrive somewhere. If I do, I'll upload it this weekend.
Zensteve said:
Is this the same version as the other, or has it been updated?

If it's the same, I *think* I have that stored on a harddrive somewhere. If I do, I'll upload it this weekend.

It's exactly the same. That would be FANTASTIC :D and very kind of you. To where shall you upload it?
See the first post - I've uploaded the cartoon to a NEW HOST SITE. FTP was much faster and easier, I think it's actually going to work this time. Note - my lip-synching skills have gotten much better since this cartoon, I just uploaded it first because it was the smallest file.
I just watched it on this site, and it worked fine.

I wouldn't call it laugh-out-loud piss-your-pants funny, but it's okay.

I'll try the link.

Al Bouchard

--There are no rules in Hollywood,
and they are strictly enforced.
All I saw was the home URL name (Something . Com) and what sounded like someone impersonating Tarantinos voice, but no animation. then it locked up.

And yes, I have nearly every codec installed that you can imagine right here on this computer. :weird: