cinematography My new visual reel, please take a look and tell me what you think :)

I'm a bit of a harsh critique sometimes, so I'm here providing the sides I find which are fascinating and intriguing.
First Is it some kind of upcoming short film or feature film footage of yours ?
If yes, then I must book the tickets right away.
It's amazing beautiful editing, good camera shots and the most thing I loved about it, it's using the light.
From using a candle to fire, natural sunlight to the street light.
That's amazing one btw on the top of it.
Let me know what is it in detail.
I loved it and and I see a lot of reels (I occasionally hire camera ops). You have a beautiful eye. Better than mine. Only thing I'd suggest looking at is some of the footage was from the same thing meaning I get the impression you may have only shot a few things. There's also a lack of wides which is a different skill but it's a secondary issue.

My gut reaction is there were a few too many BlackMagic and DSLR shots in there which says 'no budget' but I could be completely wrong about that.
I loved it and and I see a lot of reels (I occasionally hire camera ops). You have a beautiful eye. Better than mine. Only thing I'd suggest looking at is some of the footage was from the same thing meaning I get the impression you may have only shot a few things. There's also a lack of wides which is a different skill but it's a secondary issue.

My gut reaction is there were a few too many BlackMagic and DSLR shots in there which says 'no budget' but I could be completely wrong about that.
Yes, this reel is made from 6 different short movies. But most of them are shot on Arri Alexa, and just one on Sony FS5.
Well said. Some people are not accustom to seeing showreels so I think we both understand StoneJack's advice.

This is an excellent showreel. That underwater shot is particularly spectacular. Great work!
Thank you very much. I understood what he said and I appreciate it but showreel has some it’s own “rules”. Of course it is better to be most homogeneous as it can be, but thos time this was the best I could do.
I think the second shot should not be in the beginning (or in it at all). A lot of good shots in there and good stable food work. Its a good show reel... I think it can be amazing if you cut 30 seconds out of it....
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