This movie is basically about a guy who gets treated like shit all his life. One night he snaps, grabs a gun, and through the course of the night tracks down and kills everyone who treats him like shit on a day-to-day basis (the idea of a one night ordeal is based off of Collateral)
It's about a half an hour long, and you'll need DivX to watch it.
Download the film here (file size: 80 megs)
Also, you don't need a profile or anything to download the file; FileFront is a free service. And the movie's not based off the game Postal 2, I just told them that so they would host the file. And I'm sorry it's not a direct link to the file, but with my host that's a little impossible.
And I know the movie's not that great, just keep in mind that every scene you see was improv'd on the spot
It's about a half an hour long, and you'll need DivX to watch it.
Download the film here (file size: 80 megs)
Also, you don't need a profile or anything to download the file; FileFront is a free service. And the movie's not based off the game Postal 2, I just told them that so they would host the file. And I'm sorry it's not a direct link to the file, but with my host that's a little impossible.
And I know the movie's not that great, just keep in mind that every scene you see was improv'd on the spot

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