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watch My First Short Film..


Staff Member
I shot this a few months ago entirely on my cell phone.
It's not white balanced and there was no stabilization :no:

It was unscripted and I was burning with a desire to film something, anything.. so this is what I ended up with.

Watch at your own peril :weird:
(Edit: to be clear this was more an exercise in editing, and not an attempt at storytelling)
Vladimir Does Towson

For a while I didn't consider it an actual short film, but now after making a "real" one and seeing so many of the same lessons, I've decided Vladimir Does Towson is the real deal. But it wasn't meant to be entertaining.. lol
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Nice work! I understand you shot this awhile ago with less experience, but I'm going to critique it anyway :D

A tripod would really, really make the film more watchable.
White balance and/or color correct. It's too blue.
Cut in down. It drags. Keep our attention.
Invest in a mic.
No real story. Maybe it would be more interesting if the dog had a voiceover or there was some type of plot?

Anyway, I hope to see your new short film at some point.

Good luck! :cool:
Yeah, kinda lacking in that whole narrative department. Heh. :bag:

Improv is a lot harder than most people expect. Good story-telling just doesn't magically and spontaneously happen, and improv is a learned skill that really has to be honed.

At any rate, at least you're gettin' out & doin' something. Something done; something learned. Even the modest project ideas can be an educational experience.

What did you do after this, btw? I prolly saw it if it was here on the forums, but I'll check it out if I missed it.

Nice work! I understand you shot this awhile ago with less experience, but I'm going to critique it anyway :D

1 A tripod would really, really make the film more watchable.
2 White balance and/or color correct. It's too blue.
3 Cut in down. It drags. Keep our attention.
4 Invest in a mic.
5 No real story. Maybe it would be more interesting if the dog had a voiceover or there was some type of plot?

Anyway, I hope to see your new short film at some point.

Good luck! :cool:

1 Agreed
2 Agreed
3 IDK how to cut it down, they're walking around the block. Walk half a block? Anyway you get to see my little block of towson I've lived on and all the different stores :D
4 This was filmed on a cell phone, including all the audio :D
5 Not much of a story, just a neighbor taking my dog for a walk around the block. And my dog eating something he shouldn't have in front of burger brothers

Yeah, kinda lacking in that whole narrative department. Heh.

At any rate, at least you're gettin' out & doin' something. Something done; something learned. Even the modest project ideas can be an educational experience.

What did you do after this, btw? I prolly saw it if it was here on the forums, but I'll check it out if I missed it.


This was more an exercise in editing than anything else. I had never done any sort of editing before and I wanted some practice. As I said for a long time I didn't even consider it a short film. but I think it is.. just a boring one that wasn't meant to entertain. perhaps you could consider this a documentary

Anyway my favorite part between 5:00 and 5:10

I did vladimir does towson about 4 months before i ever joined the indietalk forum
Currently I am working on a short called Friend Zoned with actual plot, story, dialogue and a script i wrote
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very shackey... too much of blue... and the audio is bad... but for first short it's still ok :) the more you do the better you get ;)