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watch My debut HD short

Hi guys,
Here's my debut HD short. First time use with the Sony AX2000 and Vegas 9.0 software



Best Regards,
Pete Middleton
It wasn't bad at all, but some scenes were super awkward. I know thats kind of what you were going for but they didn't feel like drama-y they just felt forced. All in all nice job though glad you got your first short out of the way.

Also that guy did not look like he was crying maybe a drop of water? or some eye drops next time could help. The dog looked sadder than him :yes:

Thanks for your input!
It didn't cost anything to produce MSP1518. We shot it at a friends house and I know quite a few actors that will work for promotional purposes.
L.I.F.E - I loved the dog comment! He is a miserable fellow. Oh correction, I've produced plenty of short films (it's just that this is my first HD one!)
Thanks again for giving it a watch.
Best Regards,
It seemed too focused, as though the narrative was simply teetering on the surface, i didn't have to guess, i didn't have to do anything. Misery needs not be so baritone, it was suicide, and it was nothing else. It felt as though you where solely aiming to sadden--I did check out previous work, and it too, desired content, craft.

This is purely my critique, but for me, it was transparent.

EDIT: Reading this back, my opinion suggests a cruel tongue. Do take this with a pinch of salt, I'm not that guy, the forum folk would clarify.
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Thanks for your message Papertwinproductions.
We're always happy for constructive input. Like I mentioned this was my first HD short. The first time I'd ever used my new Sony AX2000 and new Sony Vegas software. Give me Adobe Premiere anyday of the week! I'm most proud of my last months short "Regrets" - Shot with my trusty Panasonic. But as you mentioned, my earlier work is no better! lol.
Have you any tips? Links to your productions?
Kindest regards,
Pete Middleton
Kudos for the grace.

It wasn't as much the production value, the camera work was good. I'm surprised it was your first outing with the new machine.

Check out "The Promotional" section over the next month. We'll be posting the primordial leap of our 5D--Which is with Canon being repaired, so pissed.

"Error 70" is not your friend.
Excellent. I'll certainly be taking a look.
Companion just seemed to be the ideal screenplay to show off the new HD format. So many silences so the audience had no option but to sit back and look!
I haven't yet seen it myself through a HD monitor - so have no clue whether the investment was worth it!
Here's my finest work if your interested.


Best Regards,
HD monitors for computers are a super cheap investment! Whats the point of having an HD camera and not being able to enjoy the better quality! ;)
Totally understood! But the cam cost me £3000 and the rents a little overdue now! lol
I have heard that you can burn the M2TS files onto a standard DVD through Nero as data then play them through your PS3... I haven't a clue if it works or not.
Look how cheap this is! full 1080p! 21.5 inches! Its open box, but thats no big deal!


If you don't like open box supposedly the best rated monitor is:


customer choice award, 1080p, $159.99, 21.5 inches!

If I were you I'd get 2 connect them both to your computer and you can edit a lot faster.

Supposedly 2 monitors of the same size increase normal computer productivity by 40%

Sorry I just cannot believe you have a full HD camera but cannot enjoy the picture! ;)
Very good job on your first.

Hey why doesn't the clock tick have any reverb?

I heard the #1 rule of working with animals is not to have them look straight into the camera unless you're shooting for the Discovery Channel.

You also keep the clock tick going from the beginning and then you hear the door knock on top of it but your first shot is then from outside perspective - kind of jarring for me.

When he's getting a drink of water, the clock is louder than anything going on sound-wise. Mix it down but don't lose the clock.

Pacing gets a bit slow with their conversation "time to move on..." and the clock is just out of control.

Birds come in too hot and heavy when he pulls over the car. Gradually fade in the birds when he stops.

Add reverb to the phone ring.

Make the phone ring small at first then when the camera zooms in on it make it louder in the mix. Right now it's all at the same level and doesn't change due to camera perspective.

Did you think about scoring music throughout the movie? I'd think it would fit well if you used the right cues.

Anyway - nice job.
I'll certainly be investing before so long.
I think my PC needs an upgrade too. Editing this first HD film was hell. Stuttering like mad - I had to export the completed film to AVI before I could watch it smoothly. It eats away the hours!
I'm used to filming on a Saturday and uploading on a Monday - This took me 3 weeks!
all the comments are fake, you deleted my comment and blocked me.

people would have actually put good comments about your movie, it was good, so i dont see why you did that.

anyway, as i said, it was good, i enjoyed it, you shouldnt have wasted your time setting up 15 youtube accounts.:huh:
Cheers ROC!
I know I'm going to sound like a know it all here... but with Premiere, all that would have been produced and better standing on my head.
Once I have my film running from start to finish, I like to go over it frame by frame for picture and sound adjustment. Fine tweaking. What I found with this Sony Vegas 9.0 that is when you want to "Tweak" "Move" a clip a milimetre, it moves the whole sodding project... and not just that, it doesn't stop when it hits another clip - it vanishes underneith, producing a fading transition. I lost so many clips during this edit and with the stuttering real time preview, I'm just happy it looks like it does. Once I have a faster computer and Adobe Premiere CS5, we'll be back in business. Like I mentioned earlier, my previous films show much better prospect at the moment!
Sorry Smurfy8797. I thought that you were just another somebody whom were a little jealous that I had 580 subscribers to your 9.
I will begin to delete the fake 575 subscribers straight away!
you cant seriously tell me, that those comments, most of which are from paired accounts, created on the same day are real. thats my second channel, ive got 107 subscribers... still less than whatever you said but thats irrelevant, im not interested in how many subscribers you have. i was talking about the comments...
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Sorry Smurfy8798 - Thanks for the good comment about my film but my 580 subscribers seem to be genuine. I guess that when a film goes live, every subscriber sees it - hence commenting almost immediately. I've worked very hard and spent a lot of money since 2009 to build up this fan count along with producing films since 2003 including 2 of them being feature length.
If 15 of the 580 accounts are fake (which they aren't), sue me!
Best Regards,

Why didn't you do the best job you could do, then?

I'm sick of people who know it all and don't take criticism and say they "knew it all in the first place".

Why would you post your video up if you knew it wasn't the best you could do?

You don't get jobs that way...