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watch My debut HD short


again with the subscribers... i dont care...

Accounts made on the same day:

December 27th:
http://www.youtube.com/user/allthesouls"Great work"
http://www.youtube.com/user/virginrach"LOVE IT!"

March 29th
http://www.youtube.com/user/donjacob1959"The acting is flawless as always. What a wonderful story. 5 stars"
http://www.youtube.com/user/bluraykingdom"Both thumbs up!!"
http://www.youtube.com/user/nealp6969"cool film mate!"

March 7th
http://www.youtube.com/user/sonjawhite"Loved the atmos! * * * * *"
http://www.youtube.com/user/SandraDennis45"Stunning x"
http://www.youtube.com/user/privateparkin1"Instant classic"

February 22nd
http://www.youtube.com/user/paulsimmons1"Impressive work!..."

all of which only comment on your videos
all of which are grouped, CREATED on the same day!
All of which ONLY seem to favourite and comment positively on your videos.
All of which have no uploads
Ghost accounts

if you still deny it then whatever, ya know, the only reason its bothering me is because youre lying, and i hate that. Good luck with your career mate.

EDIT: Quotes added for effect. I REST MY CASE
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Sorry, but that's pretty lame.

Why fake your comments? I'd personally be honest and find out how to thrill an audience and make a piece of work that is legit and a true work of art.

You can't create fake people to buy tickets for your movie at the box office.
Thanks Gooberman for your comment.
I think the ticking clock helped to drag the HD picture on a little longer on purpose. I obviously dragged the pauses on for longer. My action films cut together a little quicker!
Sorry, was your last post confronting Smurfy or me?
I've produced two feature length films, over 30 short projects and approx. 10 music videos. All cast and artists included, my 580 subscribers seem quite alive. Granted, I do have friends that have subscribed to my account which are not film makers (hence no uploads) plenty more are colleagues. If you think I have time to create fake accounts on top of producing so much material on top of a full time job, please tell me how it's possible!
Sorry, a little annoyed at Smurfy. I'd like him/her to post a link to something he/her has produced. I'm sure we'll never see it. Critics, eh??
Kindest Regards,
Oh and ROC,
About your earlier post. I'm posting out my first ever HD project. I do not need to state how good I am, my earlier work proves this. I just thought I'd share my latest project with you all - operating a new camera for the first time and editing a completely different way. Sorry for the bother.
what in the world does this have to do with the films ive made?
indeed. enough of this, you carry on posting fake comments to yourself, i hope it makes you feel happy.

if you do, actually genuinely believe, that someone else posted those comments then you need to go to the nearest mental asylum. how you can still deny that you posted them is beyond me.:stupid:

EDIT: you dont need to post 3 comments of only 3 words each, its called spamming.