My advice? Surrender!

I do believe it is.
Is he saying the picture says it all or does a cat have John's fingers (see because he would have to type what he says in a forum post, it would be downright silly for me to say "the cat has his tongue," unless he types with his tongue, which wouldn't surprise me).

Anyway, he seems cocky. Someone should send a barb back at him.

John, are you saying the picture says it all or does a cat have your fingers (see because you would have to type what you say in a forum post, it would be downright silly for me to say "the cat has your tongue," unless you type with your tongue, which wouldn't surprise me).

Anyway, you seem cocky. Just figured I should send a barb back at you.

Poke said:
There is a special place in Hell for copycats. It's called Copycat Hell, and everyone juste repeats what you say.

There is a special place in Hell for copycats. It's called Copycat Hell, and everyone juste repeats what you say, only they change the ending of every sentence and conclude with: You're a poopy head!
Yeah, Charles...There is a special place in Hell for copycats. It's called Copycat Hell, and everyone juste repeats what you say.

So there!
I am glad, Poke. I am very glad.

After your last film, I think I've seen enough "Poke on the Potty" to last me a lifetime.

LOL- I wonder if the great Pokus Maximus has another surprise for us all....
Spatula said:
"Poke on the Potty"

I think you were high when you watched Torturous Bastards...Watch it potty action. Unless Canadians crap in their beds.

Spatula said:
LOL- I wonder if the great Pokus Maximus has another surprise for us all....

Alas, I was too busy to throw anything together this round. But if I had, it would have owned your bed crappin' ass!

Erg... the infamous washroom scene? Where you find the number on the wall?

Am I dreaming?

And Canadians crap anywhere they please. Come to Canada. There's crap everywhere.
Oh my- our head moderator can't even remember his own movements!!

hehe... watched it again- such a classic... forgot about the clowns!!