Movie Theatre Etiquette

He doesn't like noise but he likes trash all over the floor so when people get up they crunch on all the trash and spill sodas that run down onto your shoes WTF?! :lol:
So, by extension of rule 8, this probably means I'm okay to continue expectorating, urinating, defecating and exsanguinating pretty much anywhere between the seats as long as I'm quiet and not obstructing anyone's view, thus violating rules 1 & 5.

Remember: Rule 4 regarded stinky FOOOOOOD. Not...
Here's another one. If you're not in high school and living with your strict parents you have no good reason to be making out in a movie theater.
I think with the modern day theaters that it really is not much of a problem if you set in front of someone. The seats are set up so that people can see over your head. Unless they are really short they should be able to see. Or if you are 7 foot tall maybe it would be a problem. My thoughts If I am one of the first in the theater like normal I just go for the seat that I think is the best. I do try not to set right next to anyone.

As far as throwing food on the floor I don't think it is that big of a deal since it is pretty much expected by now. I don't normally because I hardly ever buy a drink or food because of the prices. I would rather eat and drink after the show. I hate having to go to the bathroom during the movie. So I normally don't drink during the show.