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MOVIE MAKING MADNESS 2005 | 4th Annual Short Film Competition

Movie Making Madness is back! Teams of filmmakers are assigned a genre and subject for their film, such as comedy : competing lemonade stands, and have 2 weeks to write, shoot, edit and score an original short film no longer than 10 minutes. Every film will be streamed online for public viewing and the filmmakers will be competing for $2,500 in cash and thousands of additional prizes!

Over 500 teams of filmmakers from around the world have participated in Movie Making Madness since it’s inception in 2002,. Films created for the competition have gone on to screen at festivals such as Sundance, Cannes and Cinequest and several have taken home top awards including winning Triggerstreet.com’s third online film festival. Where will it take you?

Early Entry Deadline is October 20th, 2005. Entry Fee is $85* per team. Anyone may compete from anywhere in the world, but space is limited so sign up today!

*DISCOUNT for Indietalk Members - make sure to enter the discount code MADNESS05 when registering to get $10 off the entry fee.

To Register / Learn More about Movie Making Madness 2005, visit http://www.nycmidnight.com
NYC Midnight said:
*DISCOUNT for Indietalk Members - make sure to enter the discount code MADNESS05 when registering to get $10 off the entry fee.
Hmm, I've really enjoyed this contest the last couple of years. I like that we'll get to see all the films online this year. I think the decision to take out the 24hr round is probably a good one, since it's the 2-week films that are the most enjoyable.
Ahab, wasn't yours that one about modern-day cowboys?

The 24-hr final round is gone? That was a killer for anyone not living in NYC; hope they kept it for a local event though. Love that time-limit. :cool:
Zensteve said:
Ahab, wasn't yours that one about modern-day cowboys?

Sorry, that wasn't me. Last year I did the thing about martian students and the year before a thing about bumper stickers.

Zensteve said:
The 24-hr final round is gone? That was a killer for anyone not living in NYC; hope they kept it for a local event though. Love that time-limit. :cool:

They did keep it as a separate event called the Brooklyn run, but I think it already happened this year.
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Oh, that's right!

The martian one was very twilight-zoney, and the bumper-sticker one was hilarious!

Especially the "peeing on everything" gag.

There was another boardmember who did the one about the car thieves who travel back in time to the wild west. I had you muddled.

Last year boardmember Christopher had a great entry, as well, in the exact same category as mine.


NYC Madness is good times. :cool:
Zensteve said:
NYC Madness is good times. :cool:

Indeed! I'm already looking forward to it and lining up my team. Hopefully, I'll be able to use the whole two weeks this time instead of the 3 days I had last year! Assuming I'll see your name in the competition this year as well?