A friend just sent me this…
Ho-leee shhh...
People are just absolutely crazy.
As an ongoing thought I find myself frequently revisiting lately, I find it frankly bizarre what people will and are not willing to spend money on in the pursuit of filmmaking.
Sure, they'll spend money on cameras, lenses, lights and whatnot hardware from a retailer, physical or online.
They'll spend money on gas for transportation to and from locations.
They'll spend money on permits and festival fees.
However, for labor, either in front of or behind the camera, there's just an ever present systemic perception that it's all kind of... discretionary, even when that labor involves the usage of the volunteer's personal assets/materials in the above case.
Now, no one in their right mind would call Adobe software and ask for a free copy of their editing software to make their film.
Likewise, no one's going to call Canon, Sony, Hewlet-Packard/Apple, Tascam, B&H Photo, etc. for hundreds or thousands worth of products to make their film for "film credit".
Yet these director/producer/dreamers think nothing of asking for comparable value in labor with only "film credit" as compensation.
To carry the process full forward, would they expect zero compensation from a distributor for their final product?
"We'll give you credit for directing/producing it. Only offer."
It's inexcusably weird.