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mixing 1280 x 720 29,97 fps and 1440 x 1080 25 fps in final cut


I have two clips.

clip 1:
1440 x 1080
25 fps

clip 2:
1280 x 720
29,97 fps

My final export shall be in:
1440 x 1080
25 fps

final cut doesnt seem to react when im mixing these two formats in the timeline. but how do this affect my movie? or final cut handles these two without any problems?


I havent used final cut yet so this may not be correct. Im sure final cut editors can correct it or provide more info.

But im guessing that if you're project is defined as 25fps, then the 30fps clip should look a little slowed down to you, if you interpret the footage as 25fps.
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Final cut will stretch the smaller file to fill the screen at lease one direction (horizontally or vertically) and then letterbox the rest. In the clip "effects" window you can adjust the aspect ratio if you need to, or zoom it or crop it etc.

As far as frame rate, I think it keeps it moving the same speed and just drops and blends frames as needed. It will force a render for the different resolution/frame-rate clip though.
Final cut will stretch the smaller file to fill the screen at lease one direction (horizontally or vertically) and then letterbox the rest. In the clip "effects" window you can adjust the aspect ratio if you need to, or zoom it or crop it etc.

As far as frame rate, I think it keeps it moving the same speed and just drops and blends frames as needed. It will force a render for the different resolution/frame-rate clip though.

Wait, Final Cut drops frames automatically? I was under the impression it could handle different framerates on the same timeline and play back at normal speed.

Im curious because i have been thinking of switching to mac next year but all my life ive used pc's. My inexperience with them makes me hesitate, even though i know ill eventually do it.
Its not FCP, or computers or any think like that.. remember were talking rates of speed.

25fps is your committed playback rate

To play 29.97 frames back at 25fps you have to chose...

A) Drop frames from the 29.97 fps material so that it plays back in "real time"

- or -

B) Slow down playback of the 29.97 fps material to equal 25fps playback.
Final Cut does play back different framerate footage all at "normal speed".

Like wheatgrinder said, to achieve the same speed (whatever is normal per second for that clip), shorter framerate clips have to have frames added and faster framerate clips need frames dropped or merged.
I am in another world meself ( Linux ) . I would use ffmpeg and convert the 1280x720 29.97 to 1440x1080 25fps , drop it into Cinelerra and go. The 1280 video is going to get converted along the way anyhoo, just keep the bitrate high and copy the audio