misunderstood newbie

hi i'm new, but i just want 2 make something clear my name is not meant 2 mean i'm an actual bad mother fucker, but is a reference to samuel l. jackson's wallet in pulp fiction!!! meh i couldn't think of anything else :shock:
I like the new name!

Jackson wasn't too well trimmed in Pulp Fiction, either. =D>

So tell us a bit about yourself. What part of film/DV do you particularly enjoy being involved with?
Shot Renegade said:
Was there something I missed? :S

I believe the PM Indie sent was in regards to the original name of Bad Mofo being unAmerican or antiClimactic, thus it was changed to Bad Haircut which is proDemonstrative.

Confusing myself one word at a time.

hey all thanks for the welcome. and regards to the newbie stick you were very gentle thank you :p. yup i had to change my name cause it might offend others i also had to change my signature, but i only thought that it would offend a morman...or my mom! and mr blonde why assume so soon that i am a he???
bad haircut said:
hey all thanks for the welcome. and regards to the newbie stick you were very gentle thank you :p. yup i had to change my name cause it might offend others i also had to change my signature, but i only thought that it would offend a morman...or my mom! and mr blonde why assume so soon that i am a he???

I probably would have let you keep the name, if you hadn't posted such an offensive signature to go with it :-)

Hey .... welcome aboard!

Tine said:
I'm as unamerican as they get, and I in trouble? lol

Are you French?

bad haircut said:
hey all thanks for the welcome. and regards to the newbie stick you were very gentle thank you :p. yup i had to change my name cause it might offend others i also had to change my signature, but i only thought that it would offend a morman...or my mom! and mr blonde why assume so soon that i am a he???

What was this offensive sig? I wanna know.

Poke said:
What was this offensive sig? I wanna know.


Badhaircut can post it if he wants .... you guys can judge if it's appropriate for a signature (whether a comedian said it or not).
