[May 7] What are you working on this week?

Well.. I was supposed to film yesterday but I had to cancel on Saturday :(
My city shut down 3 blocks for a special event with vendors, ferris wheel, etc and a thunderous live band booming right through my walls.

It was almost a two month delay to reschedule (god it takes forever to do anything) but instead we're going to rush and squeeze it into a shorter production time on mothers day this next sunday
Shooting pictures for an escape room.
Turn a Dutch video into English.
Trying to enjoy the sunshine: it turned summer in here, but that might be gone next week again :p
New Launch

Launched the online promotion of my movie on May 1st by networking with indie folk/rock bands and now getting into the movie community. I had a good unpaid launch with results and after my extremely early innovators (marketing target audience segment) showed support I will be transitioning into paid online promotion while stepping away from the computer to work on setting up events for the movie. :):thumbsup::lol::cool::cool:

I created a meme :P
