The Idea:
Film channel of Indietalk peoples,
Create your Ad for the Film,
create the hype,
have a releasing date,
make ads available months
before, and then release it to peoples
of Indietalk,
Y this channel:
1. We are a Big crowd here,
who would be excited to
watch your next film,
2. We can Buid audience together,
a large audience, who are excited
to watch movies of Indietalk peoples,
3. Monetize, we can search ways
to monetized, we putting 5,000 $ or a lot
more, a lot of films get returns when their
movie keep's coming again and again
on channels, and driving revenues,
if we can monitize that videos well,
we can have sustained income?
i mean your hard work will
work for you,
4. Power of together ness,
we can build a huge audience only
together, and our efforts will pay us
back a lot more,
5. Creating a Big audience,
Together we can have more films
coming up only together,
and excitement to rolling
for our audience,
6. There are thousands of
Indietalk peoples on this forum
70,000 or lach of visit perday,
and if only we can subscribe to
our channel, that would make it a very big
7. Google is very serious about it's channel bussiness
it can change rules and give better
monitization options if we can have lakhs of
8. Don't take Indie talk negatively,
the Indietalk Website Decision Makers are very good,
if they think or finds that it is possible
to monitize this channel, we may get this channel
Features on Indietalk Links,
and that would/may make something
like thousands of thousands visits perday.
9. Believe in the power of Togetherness,