Macbeth 3000 Press Release


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Macbeth Action/Comedy Spoof To Take Indie Film World By Storm - IndieTalk

Macbeth 3000, the new film from Supergun Cinema, is an explosive action/comedy scheduled to hit the festival circuit. (PRWEB) August 4, 2005 -- Supergun Cinema ( goes for broke with their new independent film Macbeth 3000.

Macbeth 3000 was constructed over the period of three years. From the first draft, to the final cut, it cost a little over $10,000 to produce. With a modernized script, Macbeth 3000 is a satirical action/comedy spoof shot on mini-DV that follows the plot lines and devices of James Bond.

Macbeth returns home from Iraq with more than battle scars. In a desolate field three crazy witches forecast his rise to president. There's only one thing he's going to have to do to get there--kill the president.

Meanwhile, British agent Macduff finds himself at the end of his espionage career. His life of danger is coming to an end, but he's being sent on one last mission--infiltrate the United States and find out what Macbeth is up to.

In the end, heads will fly, explosions will explode, and dreams will be broken--because this time, it's personal.

Denis Logan, the screenwriter and actor (Macduff) says, "At the age of four, my father and I used to record from camera to VCR, making stop-motion animations. Throughout the course of my youth I made a few more short claymations, and eventually upgraded to real life action. My first shorts were a series known as Grocery Death, and were campy movies about a grocery clerk/serial killer who killed people for his meat department. From there, I met Geoff Meech (Director), Bill Stepec, Harmeet Bindra, and Matt Snowball. A few Shakespeare adaptations later, we arrive here--the present; Macbeth 3000, and this time, it really is personal."

Logan was able to use the resources of IndieTalk ( to help him with the production. "IndieTalk has provided a rather unique place, where independent filmmakers can share knowledge and resources, showcase their work, and most importantly, network. In a field where success is determined by who you know, IndieTalk levels the playing field, and allows a quick, convenient way to meet people of all experience levels in the film business. I visit the site everyday and learn something new from the community. Whether it's cinematography tips, advice for directing and acting, critiques and criticism, or just hanging out and talking to filmmakers, IndieTalk is the best independent film community on the Web, by a long shot," said Logan.

For more information:

Supergun Cinema website:
IndieTalk website:

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Members interested in joint press releases, contact me.
When I buy my copy of Macbeth 3K, Logan, it had better be signed. :cool:

Long time in the making, but my friend who went to the Canadian premiere said it was worth it.

Whether it's cinematography tips, advice for directing and acting, critiques and criticism, or just hanging out and talking to filmmakers, IndieTalk is the best independent film community on the Web, by a long shot

Quoted for truth.
I'll be sure to throw a few extras into your DVD, Zenner. You can bet your bollocks on it.

Thanks Indietalk!

-DVD release date is scheduled for late August, early Septemper.
-Second Toronto premiere in the works for end of August (with new cuts and new mastered audio) (yes, we have 5.1 Digitial)
-Boston premiere scheduled for fall
-Youngcuts festival October 24-30th
Awesome film!


Congratulations again on the achievement! The film was badass!

It's one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Neither the trailer for MacBeth nor The Perfect Sandwich can prepare you for this film. You think you're ready and when the lights go out it smacks you in the face! I can't wait to see it again with 5.1 sound!

...Mac Daddy, M Diddy, or whatever the hell your name is anymore...

Btw, I think this picture needs an autograph!
Thanks Flav!!!

Oh man! I don't even remember that picture!!! Alright, alright.. I admit... I was beyond intoxicated most of the entire night, and it was such a huge crowd... oh man.

Once again, thanks for trekking all the way up to ol' Canada for the screening. Means a lot to me.
Glad you liked that line in the movie, as well. I was terrified no one would get it (as I thought it was one of my worst scenes).

I'll definitely throw some otto-grafs yer way. In fact, I'll have to discuss this with the other lads, but I'd like to get all the indietalkers signed, personalized DVDs.
I'm sure it won't be too much trouble, though. :wink:

Thanks man!