archived-videos Macbeth 3000: PG-13 Trailer

Hey IndiePeeps!

Here's a PG-13 promotional trailer we cut two days ago for MB3K. The audio isn't perfectly mastered because Harmeet has been working on the score and foley, but it gets the point across. Look out for Harmeet's own voice dubbing "The Chief" to remove a curse word and some innuendo. It's hilarious. Some new footage in there too- thought it'd be fun to post.

Enjoy! More info at


Don't forget the premiere on July 15th in Toronto! DirectorX will be there, so why not you? Well? Why not?
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Don't forget the premiere on July 15th in Toronto!

Quoted for goodness. :cool:

Interesting changes to get it to PG-13-ish.

Did you just alter the trailer to get that exposure, or are you making a full-fledged alternate cut of the whole film?
Flav: I need to know how many tickets in total. I have to forward my list to the director so we make sure anyone who's coming from far away gets in. We're hopful and scared shitless of selling out. But bring as many people as you can- just make sure I get a number by Friday at the latest.
( )

Zen: We actually weren't planning on any PG-13 cuts. In fact, perusing the script in order to find an alternate line for some of the objections, it was hard to find even one line that didn't have some sort of innuendo. Macbeth 3000 is 2hour movie of unadultered inappropriateness. LOL. Anyway- the PG-13 trailer evolved because we were contacted by the "Manager" of the Young Cuts festival (formerly HILTZ). He told us that him and a bunch of important people I can't name stumbled upon the trailer online. There's actually another modern action version of "Macbeth" in the festival, and I'm assuming that had something to do with them finding our website. Anyway, the guy calls us and tells us how awesome the trailer is. He wants to promote us because he thinks we hit thier target audience, and the quality of our production looks great... however... the sensitive sponsers might have been offended by a couple lines and images, so he asked us to re-cut a trailer... well... with 2 weeks until our premiere, we were on the border of just saying "you'll have to take it as it is", but Geoff engineered a clever way to just replace some of the images with alternate ones so to make the audio job a little easier. Harmeet is way to busy with the score and the foley to spend any more time on it, though. So there's your long-winded answer- we cut the trailer soley because we have a chance at toppling the Young Cuts festival. The movie itself cannot be cut that way though- entire characters and scenes would have to be lost... oh well- it's absurd.

Thanks guys.
looks decent... could have used better lookings girls, but yeah looks interesting.

i'm new to video production, i'm not even through with the first couple of tutorials.

but this i must know now... in the beginning on the clip, before the "mecduff" name falls, when you zoom in in that... i guess supermarket... what effects did you use to make the zoom drag like that? sorry don't know how else to describe it. but i'd love to know how to do that... could you break that down for me?

and if even possible break down how to do that in premiere pro?
kases said:
looks decent... could have used better lookings girls, but yeah looks interesting.

i'm new to video production, i'm not even through with the first couple of tutorials.

but this i must know now... in the beginning on the clip, before the "mecduff" name falls, when you zoom in in that... i guess supermarket... what effects did you use to make the zoom drag like that? sorry don't know how else to describe it. but i'd love to know how to do that... could you break that down for me?

and if even possible break down how to do that in premiere pro?

:hmm: The girls are all very good looking. Perhaps those shots don't do them justice.

I'll find out what filters Geoff applied to that part, but I can tell you now it was a low angle track shot moving fast and tilting up. As for the blur lines, I'll find out which filter it was. Then Geoff just played with clip speeds. I'll be sure to get back to you with that information. Looks like a radial blur... hmmm... I'll check it out. It's pretty simple though, I believe.

It really looks great, Spat. If it weren't such a haul from Boston to Toronto, I'd be there for the premiere.

Good luck. Break some legs. No, wait... that's stage talk.

Have you figured out how many tickets it'll take to put you in the "$100M opening weekend" category? I mean, yeah, the obvious answer is "just one ticket at $100M" but you know what I mean.
Spatula said:
:hmm: The girls are all very good looking. Perhaps those shots don't do them justice.

I'll find out what filters Geoff applied to that part, but I can tell you now it was a low angle track shot moving fast and tilting up. As for the blur lines, I'll find out which filter it was. Then Geoff just played with clip speeds. I'll be sure to get back to you with that information. Looks like a radial blur... hmmm... I'll check it out. It's pretty simple though, I believe.

thanks alot for looking in on that, please dont forget to let me know once you find out.
SPaulovich said:
It really looks great, Spat. If it weren't such a haul from Boston to Toronto, I'd be there for the premiere.

Wait a second... BOSTON? As in Boston, Massetoositees? That's rather good news, because as it happens, our "sound engineer" and fellow producer Harmeet Bindra is attending Berklee over in Boston, and we were planning to have a second screening sometime in October/November. We're still working out the details, but if all goes well and we get the $100M ticket, we will screen this movie publicly again. More Toronto screenings, one in St. Catherines, Boston, wherever we can. Beautiful city, though.

We'll have a better idea after the first screening though... that's the big one to worry about.

Kases: Still can't get through to the editor. He's out filming a fake trailer for a fake action movie today. I'll see him at the production meeting tonight though, so check beack tomorrow at the latest.

EDIT: Found out the effect. It is a radial blur, modified clip speed and some fast cutting. To apply the blur, look through your effects menu and drag and drop (and screw with the settings).
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Spatula said:
Kases: Still can't get through to the editor. He's out filming a fake trailer for a fake action movie today. I'll see him at the production meeting tonight though, so check beack tomorrow at the latest.

EDIT: Found out the effect. It is a radial blur, modified clip speed and some fast cutting. To apply the blur, look through your effects menu and drag and drop (and screw with the settings).
thanks alot! i'll try that out the second i get the chance too. also please thank the editor on my behalf.
Spat, let me know if you ever even consider holding a screening in Texas. I want to see this film so badly.

I, of course, like the R rated trailer a bit more. I feel PG13izing it kind of goes against the idea of what I think the film represents (for me at least). But I do love the new ending line...
I know how he feels

If I had a cow, I'd let spatula milk it.

I find the new ending line funnier and like it more.

For those attending the out for an exclusive trailer for ELISE premiering just before the...uh, premiere.

"I'm already sitting"
Yeah, I like that line as well. A brilliant line improvised by Bill Stepec on the day of shooting.
Wish we had more time to cut a million trailers.. Geoff always has a ton of ideas and I'm sure they'd all rock.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Zensteve said:
Denis... is it my imagination, or has your name in your sig been slowly growing longer? :weird:

It took me a while to embrace my full name. I think I went from Logan, to Denis Logan, to Denis Emmerson Logan, and finally to Denis Steven Emmerson Logan. That's as long as it can go though, without me fabricating things. I could add an extra "N" to "Dennis", as I have some legal identification with that spelling. Interesting story actually; my birth certificate, driver's lisence and blockbuster card all have one "N", but my Social Insurance, Health card and Rogers card have two. The reason for this, is that in Kindergarten my "D's" looked eeriely similar to "P's" and when writing my name on the chalkboard during a printing excercise, my teacher suggested coyly that I put an extra "N" in my name, because it was cool.
Me being the cool freak that I was, adopted it, ignorant of the true meaning until middle school, where I was nicknamed "Penis Logan". This nick name has survived the test of time, and still haunts me today.

But I really don't mind. It's better than Denis the Menace. :P :D