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watch Lost Transmission!

I thought it was pretty nice. The acting wasn't half bad and it was long enough to just get across the story well enough to be properly understood.

Though, as you pointed out, the scenes were lit by candle light in the dark - as far as I know, this isn't common practice, and in my opinion shouldn't be. Candles give off a surprisingly small amount of light, which isn't good for filming, and is often accompanied by a seperate light. The seperate light is there simply to properly light the scene, but not to be noticed - having it flicker would again hide the use of a seperate light than the candles. It's often used in horror films and the like when they're in a dark room and light a candle or whatever, and all of a sudden a vast majority of the room is lit - unrealistic, but it gets across the same feel and the film is much easier to watch.

Saying that, the lighting was a tad off during the non-candle-lit scenes too, and I'm guessing you just used the actual lights for that, but still more should be done to illuminate the important parts of the scene - mainly, the man (who I assume is the dad you speak about). If you're still uncomfortable with lighting the scene more with off-camera lights, just use a bounce board to try and get more light onto the man:


Overall though, it was nice :) The music fit well, the acting was good, the sound wasn't off-pace and the story was presented properly.

Very nice job for a 1 hour shoot, I'll give you that :)



At the 3 minutes 40 seconds mark in that video, the guy demonstrates the use of a bounce board and explains in brief how to make a budget one. Not as in-depth as the above post on Indy Mogul, but the demonstration at least shows the differences with using it and not using it very well.
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Thanks! Helps a lot.

Thinking of it now, I might do something similar someday! The link you posted is of great help! Might be a good idea.
I might also have a LED Lightpannel for the next time, which is really nice fo rlow light!

Cheers for your critism!
Why is it called Lost Transmission, btw, as oppsoed to Last?

Pretty cool scene you have there. Definitely get your lighting straightened out, but that'll come with practise... so make another one! :cool: