Looking for inexpensive Shoulder mount

Hey people! I'm about to go into production for a short film and I really think a shoulder mount would be a good buy for it. I was looking for a mount that will:
1) be inexpensive
2) be able to hold Canon DSLR T2i
3) be able to hold Sony HVR-Z1U

Would be great if anyone had any good recommendations. Thanks!
What's inexpensive for you? Everyone has a different definition haha.

For about $1k you can get entry level name brands and mid level mid brands.

For about $700 you can do ProAim, made in India, cheaper quality.

For $500ish with the indietalk discount CPM Film tools has a set I think.

For $70-350 you can DIY with varying materials and results

For $35 on eBay there's a rifle stock holder that fits into your shoulder and has a grip.
Yea watch the CPM banner at the top for the discount code then click to visit. Refresh if you don't see it.
Honestly build it yourself. In my honest opinion it's better, because it has what you want, and it fits you. Mine cost under $200, not including machining costs which were free except for a trip to the ER... Let's just say that me and drill presses don't get along. But I built it for my Canon which is too small to be 100% shoulder mount by itself. But what I honestly advise is if you can, buy a camera that is just a shoulder mount. I acquired a Pana HMC80. More durable than a third party mount.