looking for director/producer or something.

hi fellas! i'll get straight to the point. i have 2 main universes and countless more scattered ideas in my mind. in the beginning i wanted to express them by comics but then i decided i wanna see them "alive" and in motion. i don't mind if it's gonna be animation or normal film with human actors. i can provide the script and lots of ideas about directing, you put your know-how and something awesome can come out of this. :D

cheerz! :cool:
They're not a script until they're down on paper. Until then, they're just a bunch of ideas that no one can really do anything with.

You really need to get cracking and write those ideas down and turn them into a script or a novel. Either that or consider hiring a writer to turn your ideas into a script.

Good luck with your project.
mmmm, what i meant was that i need a director or a person to discuss my thoughts with. if there is NO other way than having the script on paper, then i will write it. the point is what i do after that. (i was like waiting for the director/person to give me the permission to start writing, then i would write 24/7 ;))
I'm going to suggest something. Don't wait for someone to give you permission to chase your dream.

Just be aware, writing a script is fairly specific on what makes them bad. If you're not already a script writer, read some books/take some courses to learn what's acceptable in the craft.

Now I mentioned to you before that you could bounce some loglines on me to see whether I think your ideas are worth further development.

A script isn't always the first step, though, it IS the first step for an unaccomplished writer. How else could someone know whether your story is worth telling? If it was worth telling, without a script, how would people break the script down?
I'm open to discussing and coming to an understanding with you.

What I would like is to see the script you have in mind. What
would you like from me?

i was always writing stories, since i was a kid. (all kinds of topics) i have enough inspiration to write countless of these. but right now i have 2 main universes i would like to develop. the first one is like sin city, black 'n' white (or black and yellow in case the white is too much of a copy) vintage noir action with color only at strategic places and the second one is a medieval universe, a mixture of lotr, gothic (it's an awesome videogame, search it) and game of thrones. i still don't know if they will turn out to be series or movies or both. first i need to know that (after talking with a producer or whatever) and then to work with the director, me suggesting some ideas (weird camera angles for example) and him correcting me with his know-how. ummmmm, that covers it all i guess. :P everybody, feel free to pm me for details.
ok, do you have anything specific in mind or you want just any kind of story? :yes:
I thought you were the one with two main universes and countless more
scattered ideas in your mind. In your first post you said:

i can provide the script and lots of ideas about directing,
So I thought you would provide the script. I don't have anything specific
in mind. I would like to read your script to see if I am interested.
i haven't studied directing and acting but i have watched enough movies to be self-taught

With all due respect, you are no more self-taught than I would be a self-taught formula 1 racing driver from watching a few hundred grand prix.

...that's why i need a director, to tell him my ideas and him correcting me. :D

I think you've got the wrong idea about what a Director is and does. It's not a Director's job to listen to your ideas and correct you, if anything, that would be the job of a Script Consultant. Also, the two ideas/universes you've mentioned (particularly the second one) do not appear very feasible for tiny/micro budget filmmakers.

I'm not trying to be insulting with any of what I've said, just trying to save you wasting a considerable amount of time/effort. My advice is to have a read through some of the threads here on indietalk, to get a better idea of the roles of the Screenwriter, Director and Producer and how they relate to each other. Pay particular attention to the Screenwriting forum, which will give you a lot of specific information on how to turn your ideas into something which a Director can work with.

I think he's thinking of a producer's position.

As in "I have $X, and I want you guys to do such-and-such."

And if you don't have money to pay people to do what you want - you'd better have charisma!